One of 1

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You are like a flower
In a flower shop
In the midst of other flowers

You are a carnation
In d midst of daisies, sunflowers, roses
Love is like a buyer
It comes to pick up a flower

A daisy is picked up, admired
Next day a rose is picked up, admired
On and on it goes

You frown and ask "does it not like me?"
"Do they not like me?"
It comes again and picks up another

That day, another
comes again and picks you up
You are a carnation
You smile
You blossom, oh I am being picked up and admired
You waited and waited
You thought you weren't a beauty
Weren't a form of significance
You thought your beauty color never added to the beauty of the shop

You actually did have it in you
You just had to wait
Everybody sees things differently
You just had to wait for your own buyer,
For your own admirer

Every flower contributes to the beauty of a flower shop
Every flower has a specialty that is significant to the one who sees it and admires it
There is a reason why that person admires your worth
This is how you are
You are special to a "somebody" or some "somebodies"
- Esther Izu ice❄️

Thanks for reading
See ya!!

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