I shifted in my seat uncomfortably but said nothing.

However, Brenden didn't. "Yes, she committed treason, but hanging her would be an enormous mistake." my brother spoke loudly. Everyone's face was shocked, except Ivy's.

"Why?" One councillor, Master of Coin, asked the question we were all thinking.

When my brother spoke he looked specifically at me. "Elise is a commoner and royalty has never married to such low class before, so the subjects adore her." he explained. "If we simply say she committed treason, the people will be furious. It would look like we're trying to get rid of her, especially if it's done right when she comes back."

The room was silent. It made sense on some level, but why should I concerned of what it 'looks like'? I'm the King, it shouldn't matter.

"So? We'll tell them her crimes, of course."

A little chuckle escaped my brother's lips. "It'll seem as if you're making excuses. Who is going to believe that a peasant commoner, can read and write?"

Another council member spoke up. "It does seem a little farfetched."

Robert couldn't believe what was happening. "But we have evidence!" he fumed.

Brenden glanced at Robert in boredom, it was obvious he didn't care about his opinion. "It's just a random journal, anyone could have written that and signed her name." his eyes brightened as if he just thought of something. His eyes were back on me. "Actually, someone could have placed it there to frame her of treason. Do you recognize her handwriting? Do you know if she can even write?" Ideas were flying around in his head, I could tell.

My eyes flickered to the woman in the room. "I've never seen her write before, but Lady Ivy was giving her schooling."

All the council members turned to look at her, anticipating an answer. It was evident that everyone forgot that I assigned that role to her. She cleared her voice and spoke, "We only had one lesson, your Majesty. We didn't write, we read from books." she explained.

"Well," Robert boomed loudly. Everyone's head snapped toward him now. "if she can read, she can write."

"Not necessarily," both my brother and I said in unison.

"You are just making excuses because you don't want to punish your wife."

I scoffed at his accusation. "Oh, she's going to be punished." The thought of another man touching her, was enough infuriate me past redemption. If the council thinks that when she comes back, she will go without consequence, they are extremely wrong.

Brenden sensed my anger and cleared his throat to speak again, "As I was saying, if you believe there is a rebellion problem now, executing her will cause so many problems I can't even imagine."

I cocked my head to the side. "How so?"

"She is the only person in the royal family that anyone can stand, and feel sympathy for. Murdering her will feel like a direct attack at the commoners. This will probably sway enough people to join the rebellion and could cause a civil war."

Everything he said made sense, and it was very convincing. Not only because I loved Elise, I didn't want to execute her. But also because having to deal with a rebellion, is harder than an enemy kingdom. The amount of resources that would have to be sacrificed, the spies, the money? It was giving me a headache just thinking about it.

So, I made my decision. "When we find her, she won't be executed, however she will be punished accordingly for her crimes. This Dominic man mentioned, is probably involved with her 'kidnapping'." I scoffed, as if we could even call it that anymore. "Maybe the rebellion as well, so we'll try to extract as much information as possible. I wanted her isolated; only Lady Ivy and myself should have access to her." I declared to everyone. My words were being written down and my councillors were nodding.

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