Established in 1994

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     It was a brand new day. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, the flowers were blooming, and dreams were being fulfilled. The date was May 17, 1994 and Muffet was having lunch with her manager. She was being starred in a new children's T.V. show "Muffet's Propaganda Playhouse" which is an idea she thought of herself. Today was when the first episode would air on television and she couldn't wait to watch it. Of course, she herself was an actor in the show so she knew what was happening that episode but it was exciting to watch it on her T.V. rather than on the camera. At this particular lunch date with her manager, they were discussing what the weekly airing schedule would be. Muffet wanted to air a new episode everyday, but her manager thought otherwise. 

"Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8:00 A.M." Muffet's manager, Mike, had said.

"No! Monday through Friday at 9:00 P.M.!" Muffet argued.

"Kids won't stay up that late, they have bedtimes!" Mike pointed out.

"They have to air at a time the kids are awake so they can, ya know... ACTUALLY WATCH IT"

"Hmm You're right....I guess Mondays and Thursday will have to do" Muffet said, giving in to her manager's sense.

     Muffet gathered her things and left the cafe. Mike sighed as he realized that she had "Forgotten" to pay the bill. He pulled out his wallet and paid for both of their meals then left the cafe. As Muffet walked down the street she started thinking about how rich she was going to be from her new celebrity career. Selling pastries wasn't bringing in the dough, so I had to switch to this new job. Muffet continued to walk down the street to her new apartment she bought. She was fine in her old cave, but she decided to move so that she would be closer to the studio she filmed at for her show. She looked at her watch and suddenly broke into a run so she could get home and watch her show before it was too late. She unlocked the door to her apartment and turned on the T.V. and her show had just come up.

"Hello Viewers!" Madam Muffet (Muffet's Character) said.

"Today is the very first episode of MUFFET'S PROPAGANDA PLAYHOUSE! This show is about life lessons and random facts that will help you in the future when you are an adult."

     While Muffet was talking, she was standing behind a desk that had a lamp, an apple, some papers, and a quill pen. Little children around age 5 were sitting in front of her. They were there as decorations to ask Muffet questions so she could explain her lessons easily and to give a vibe that she was an actual teacher. As Muffet kept rambling on about how great the show is going to be, the apple on her desk started to role off and fall on the ground. It made a loud THUMP as it hit the colorful carpet. Muffet stopped talking and looked down at the apple.

"And this apple brings us to today's lesson" Madam Muffet said.

"But first, why don't we take attendance?"

" Mia!"

"Here..." A little girl had said.

     Mia was sitting in the back of the group of kids. She had blonde hair, tied in pigtails with cotton candy pink ribbons. She was wearing a purple shirt with a daisy on it, a purple skirt, and white leggings. She looked very anxious and was sweating nervously. She was a new "actor" and had never been on television before this. No one wanted to star her in their shows because she was too shy but Muffet had to bring her into the Playhouse because she was short on children and didn't have enough money to hire a better child actor after already hiring Macy.


"I'm here!" Another little girl had said.

     Macy was sitting in the front of the group. Macy had bright pink cheeks and short brunette hair with a yellow headband. She was wearing a yellow dress and black loafers. Macy was the only "Professional" child actor Muffet hired. She has been in several different movies and has been a visitor in the Operetta Windflea show. Muffet spent almost all the money she brought with her to the city to hire Macy so Muffet has high hopes.


"Present" Said a kid in the back, sitting next to Mia.

     Mason was what you would call a nerd stereotype. He wore square glasses and braces, had a large vocabulary, and was the smartest in his kindergarten class. He had short blonde hair, wore baby blue overalls, and a red bow tie. Muffet took him from the streets when he was on his way to school and made him act in her new show. Since he was a random kid, not much is known about him except for the obvious details your could learn from looking at him or talking to him.


"Not here" Said Mia.

"W-what do you mean not here!?" Yelled Muffet angrily.

"She didn't show up today" Macy answered.

"Fine then... we'll move onto the last student... Mark!"

"I'm here" Said a man that was next to Macy.

     Mark was an actor that Muffet hired to be the janitor but since she there weren't enough children, he became the 5th kid. He was 16 years old and had shaggy red hair. He wore a little interstellar propeller hat on his head. He was also wearing a green stripped shirt and black pants. Muffet told him to dress and act like a toddler but he ends up looking ridiculous.

"UGH Finally, we finished role call. And now for the lesson of the day!" Muffet said excitingly.

"As you all saw, that apple rolled of my desk. Can any of you tell me why?"

Mason started to open his mouth but Muffet threw a book at him before he could speak.

"No one??? Good"

"The reason that apple fell is because of gravity!"

"What's gravity?" Macy asked.

"Gravity is when milk goes bad and becomes clumpy" Muffet exclaimed.

"Every time gravity is made, an apple falls!"

"The person who discovered gravity was named Muffinson Muff. One day when he was sitting under a tree, writing down some scientific notes, an apple fell off the tree and hit him on the head. He then looked around so he could blame some and he saw a girl through a window. She was dumping clumpy milk out of the jug, and into her trash can. He named bad milk, gravity."

"What!? Thats not wh-" Mason said before getting hit with another book.

"Mason quiet down! I am the teacher so I get to talk" 

When the lying teacher finished that sentence, the grandfather clock behind her desk rang. It was 1 o' clock P.M. and that was the end of this episode. Muffet grabbed the apple off the floor and took a bite. Then she threw it in the trash can that was next to her desk.

"That's the end of today's episode!" Muffet said.

"Muffet's Propaganda Playhouse will have episodes airing on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8:00 to 9:00 A.M. from now on! See ya!" 

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