Chapter 106: The Library

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For whatever reason, he had no idea, but Vordt actually let out a low chuckle and shook his head, expression turning unexpectedly soft for once. Xaphile froze under the queerly gentle stare, since the man was looking at him like he was crazy.

And yet, it wasn't an unpleasant expression.

"You are definitely a strange one," he muttered. "It took me around six thousand years to finish off the books in this library, and that's only counting the ones that held my interest. Wait there... I'll gather some tomes you'll find interesting. The library has magic that categorizes everything."

"Are you serious?!" Xaphile squeaked. "They have magic that can do that?!"

It was a dumb question, since he'd seen so many more amazing things than that. His uncle apparently thought so, too, if the dead-fish stare was any clue.

Without bothering to dignify his question with a response, Vordt crouched low and sprang off the ground, enormous wings thundering down and propelling him into the air.

He continued flapping until he was so high up that Xaphile could barely see him.

For a solid ten minutes, he watched as Vordt flitted to and fro, but then he began to descend, slowly but surely back to the ground. By the time he landed, he wasn't even out of breath, although he was sweating profusely.

His arms were also full of books.

"Come," he commanded, nodding with his head towards the far-off wall. "Follow me."

Xaphile wordlessly sprang after him, light on his be-clawed feet. 

They ended up settling down on a patch of soft, springy moss, and after they were both situated, Vordt set the books on the ground in front of him. He eyed the old, wordless leather covers with keen eyes, wondering what sort of marvels the books of Atlas held in store.

"Since you seem so interested in learning about history, culture, and such," Vordt muttered, sliding a few of the tomes forward, "I would recommend these. They are the books we use to teach our young the answer to those very questions. From proper etiquette to the way one must address others, we have it all. Be careful with them, though. Each one is priceless."

"Wow," Xaphile whispered, reverently stroking the thick leather covers. "Thank you!"

"It is nothing worth your gratitude. Since there are many things about yourself and this world that you will learn better from a book, I will allow them to do the teaching when it comes to such matters. I am more of a hands-on individual, anyway."

"I can tell," he chuckled, shaking his head as he slowly opened the first page. "I can really..."

His words died in his throat and he stared blankly at the page. He blinked, then blinked again as a strange, prickling sensation swept over him.

Vordt immediately noticed the change in his expression.

"Are you well? You've gone oddly pale."

Xaphile didn't answer, transfixed as he was with staring at the lettering within the book. 

It was a language he'd never seen before.

He'd never seen characters like the ones he was looking at in his whole life. It was like some mystical, ancient form of writing found in archaeological tombs, but somehow modern.

And yet... the strangest part, which made his blood go cold, was that he understood it.

Like reading the English and Russian languages, he knew what he was looking at.

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