stiilllll not done

Start from the beginning

"Y-You're home early."

"No I'm not, Evan. It's 9:15, I usually get home this time on Wednesdays, honey." She laughed a little at his forgetfulness, sitting down beside her son in the very motherly way that most mothers seem to pull off. "So is this like... A new thing?"


"Alright, then," Heidi concluded, leaning in to give Evan a peck on his forehead. "I love you, Ev. You should get to bed soon, I'll be upstairs."

"That's- That's it?"

"What is?"

"Y-You're not going to, to freak out or anything?"

"Of course not. Connor's a nice boy, sweetie. I don't care if you like guys or girls." She assured the rather underwhelmed boy. "What, do you want me to post a picture of you with a flag layered over it on my Facebook or something?"

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Evan could only imagine the embarrassment he'd feel if his mom tried to pull that on him. Soon, Heidi was climbing up the stairs when the front door opened again and Connor made an entrance.

"So I forgot that I have nowhere else to sleep," The copper-haired boy explained. "And even then, I forgot my bag here."

"O-Oh, right. My bed's a trundle, I'll go set it up." Evan scurried upstairs, followed by his friend- Boyfriend? Boyfriend. Followed by his boyfriend and opened the door to his room. Easily pulling out the mattress- Far too easily. Evan is noticeably strong compared to Connor- and setting a pillow on it from his closet, he told him to get ready for the night while he asked his mom about this.

"Mom?" The florist asked, poking his head into his mother's room to see her laying in bed reading a book. "Connor's here again. He has to stay the night, is that ok with you?"

Her face lightened with curiosity, but quickly changed to a more calm state, putting her book down beside her. "Sure. Does he have stuff to stay over? Is everything good at home for him?"

"Y-Yes and I dunno." He shrugged.

"Well, he can stay as long as he'd like. Just make sure you don't stay up, ok? Gotta get yourself prepared for school! You're almost done with it!" Evan gave a weak smile before arriving back at his own room, seeing Connor, with his long hair down all dressed in Pjs and staring at his phone.

He was wearing some Panic! At the Disco tee-shirt that somehow seemed too big for Connor's slim figure and blue sweatpants that had the words 'COLBY COLLEGE' on the side of them in big, white letters, which sparked a question.

"Are you going to college?" Connor peaked up from his phone.

"What brings that question?"

"Just answer it." Evan grumbled.

"Takin' a mental health gap year. And some classes here while I'm staying. But I did get accepted into a college." Back to scrolling through 4Chan boards.

"And you're parents think...?"

"Kinda wanted to leave for college this year, actually. But Mom started to think that maybe I should stay another year so I can 'get better'."

"Can I ask another question?" Evan climbed into bed, sitting indian-style.

"Shoot it."

"A-Actually, I have two."

"Just say one and then the other," Connor was getting impatient.

"What, uh, caused your episode?"


"My parents are just really bad at being parents."

Another pause.


"Nah. They had me right after their marriage and they kinda didn't think it through. The whole 'I want a kid' thing. Had no idea how to raise me. Got a little better for Zoe, but they're still pretty shitty."

"And, uh, do you- Do you cut yourself?" Evan's voice got quieter and he bit his lip, hoping he wasn't getting too deep.

There was yet another small pause before Connor responded.

"I guess I started to stop. Started to draw on myself with pen. But," He put his phone down and looked up at the ceiling, exhaling deeply. "Been a little rough lately."

Pretty soon, they were both in a hug, Evan's arms wrapped around Connor's stick-like body protectively and even placing a few kisses on his cheek. The taller could feel tears fall from Evan's eyes and onto his shirt, which made Connor want to cry a bit.

He wasn't much of a crier. It's not some masculinity thing, he just didn't cry. But he had to let it all out somehow. Connor Murphy, the big-bad-wolf of the school who had rumours that he abuses his sister and family, that he killed a man and that he didn't even have feelings, who fucking ate his lunch in the bathroom by himself for five years, was silently bawling over Evan Hansen, the small, tree-loving boy's shoulder, gripping at his blue polo and sobbing uncontrollably. 

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