shit sorry i forgot to add this final one

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Graduation came and went very quickly. Connor didn't pay much attention to it- he was more excited to just leave already. All dressed up in a black suit and a red tie, his hair was pulled back into a higher ponytail. With help from Zoe, her older brother got a bit of a makeover- Enough to look better, but not enough to make it noticeable (since their parents would go insane over anything more than concealer and highlighter).

Evan, as usual, looked great. His suit was also pretty plain and a light indigo bow tie sat on his collar. Despite looking so proper, with combed hair and what looked to be new shoes, his blue eyes were filled with anxiety and Evan was stuttering even more on graduation than any other day. He looked out of place, separated from Jared, Alana and Connor and forcefully placed between two people who barely looked at the teen during school and he twiddled his thumbs and bounced his leg until his name was called.

Alana did a nice graduation speech- After all, she was a valedictorian- on the 'real world' and while it wasn't anything very special, it was nice. Simple and clean and perfect. Just like Alana. She wore a beautiful dress, too, which got her quite some attention- It was a royal blue with lighter hues of the same colour on the sleeves and end, which cut off around her knees and had lovely rhinestones on it in different patterns.

Jared wanted to match with Evan so he got an almost identically tailored suit ("Jared I'm not your friend anymore," "Yeah you're my twin now,") and he seemed like he was having the time of his life. Zoe didn't dress up because "You're not fucking going anywhere why celebrate," but Cynthia made her wear a pretty blouse so she'd at least look nice.

They all met at Alana's house (In more casual clothing)- including Zoe, of course- and had a mini-party with themselves celebrating being free. Alana had a nice house because dammit, she's Alana, and they stayed outside by the fire pit roasting marshmallows ("Jared you're doing it wrong," "Shut the fuck up Evan- You fuckin cunt of a marshmallow no one likes you,") she had in her backyard until the town curfew, which was 9. Then, they moved the party inside, in the host's basement, where they were all drunk and trying to summon ghosts while playing Twister.

Eventually they all calmed down. Eventually. Connor and Evan were nearly crashed out on the couch while Alana and Zoe were attempting to tease each other while being half asleep. Jared was on the Twister board, his shirt partially taken off where it was all scrunched up at his neck. Evan, who was trying to cuddle up with his boyfriend as best as possible, pecked Connor's cheek lightly until he gave him a happy kiss.

"Woahhhhh," Groaned Jared, who lifted his head up just so slightly. "Don't get too explicit here, children are here,"

"You two are dating? Are we supposed to know about this?" Alana asked, blinking and adjusting her glasses, giving a small yawn.

"Connor had the gayest crush on Evan, I was just waiting. Lana, I think you're the only one who didn't assume they were." Zoe laughed, laying her head on Alana's lap.

"Are you two dating? Damn all of my friends are couples, I'm gonna fuckin' fifth wheel now,"

"Zo, are you single?" Alana looked down at Zoe, who grinned stupidly.

"Yeah, are you?"

"I guess you could conclude that we're dating," She shrugged, laying a kiss on Zoe's forehead.

Connor shifted, moving a bit away from Evan who mumbled "No don't leave me," in a small voice. "If you were anyone else I'd murder you if you hurt Zoe but,"


"Zoe, if you hurt Alana, I'm going to demolish you."

"Speaking of vanquishing souls to the underworld, Con, if you fuckin' make my son cry-"

god thats a lot of flowersWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt