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Connor sat at the dinner table with Zoe and their mom- It was another late night for Larry, so Cynthia cooked and the three were just fine on their own. Connor kept looking down at his phone and smiling while his sister had a fixated glare on him. Neither had touched their food. Cynthia sure tried, but she was anything but a good cook.

"Aren't you two going to tell me about what happened with this thing going around facebook recently? I heard you two were involved and I'm so proud of you guys!" She cheered, trying to break the ice.

Zoe ignored her attempts and finally spoke up about the only man in the room. "Connor, please stop being gay at the dinner table." He looked up with an ice cold stare, setting his phone down on the table and a disgusted look was set on his face.

"I'm not." He spat, tapping his index finger on the table in annoyance. "Why do you get to criticize me?"

"Honey, what are you talking about?" His mom enquired, looking at both her children in confusion, putting her fork back on the table mat.

"Connor likes-" Zoe's voice was cut off as Connor fiercely got up and shoved his hand over her mouth. "I'm going to fucking kill you." He not-so-subtly muttered, and nothing in his tone suggested otherwise than the truth.

"Connor, please calm down," Cynthia had started to stand as well, her voice unsure and not very brave. "You don't have to say if you don't want to, dear."

Zoe licked his hand, causing his arm to retract and shake his hand. Still, this wasn't victory for her, more of a retreat. "He's going to have to say sometime, mom." The words were obviously aimed at Connor, but he chose to not acknowledge his sister's comment.

"You will too, you know." Was the last response before he stormed off into his room, but not before grabbing the black phone next to Connor's full plate.


May 5th, 6:36 PM

evee: r u ok? you left a second ago :(

coo: yeah dinner shit happened

The long-haired boy sat on his bed, wrapped with blankets despite the warm weather. He was huddled around his phone with a screen too bright but on the dimmest setting, and Evan's texts popped up in a matter of seconds.

evee: what happened?

coo: zo's just being a bitch again

evee: that's not very nice

coo: whatev

do you wanna vc or something

evee: voice chat or video chat????

coo: video i guess

evee: can't, i look sweaty and terrible and i haven't showered since the speech

coo: u probably look great dw

go bathe and come back later it's good for your health

evee: i didn't know you cared about health

coo: hard to believe, i know

He smirked at his phone screen, and when Evan didn't reply after a minute, went to work.


"D-Did they bring in an order of flowers already? Why aren't they in the back?" Evan asked Josie, who shrugged.

"'Parently someone ordered them two or three days ago." She said, finishing watering some petunias and turning to look at her co-worker.

"Ordered? You're- You're kidding, right? This is... This is a lot of flowers to order..."

"You're hella right it is. God, that's a lot of flowers." Josie said, looking at the large pile sitting by the cashier, almost engulfing it with petals and leaves. "You also might cry, so prepare yourself." She warned.

"They're a gift to someone, and"


"They're for you."

She was right. He did cry.


This certainly was not the last time someone ordered flowers for Evan, but it was the only flower pile sent by an anonymous person, with no note or anything. He put the flowers in vases, since they were already cut, and once he had run out of vases, had to fill tall cups up with water to put the rest in. His mom was beyond confused the first time she arrived home that day.

He told Jared about the incident and no one else, so clearly Jared was at fault for the rest of the flowers being sent to him, because Evan's speech was not the only thing to go viral about him. The second thing was where he worked.

Evan had started getting used to employees of the flower pot handing him a bouquet of flowers with a note attached, all from people who saw his speech and wanted to thank him. The one stood out to Evan the most, however, (Aside from the first one) was from a girl named Veronica who had talked about her experience with depression and even losing her boyfriend to suicide. It was an order of lilies, orchids and carnations. Veronica had done research, apparently, on flower symbolism.


May 10th, 4:23 PM

coo: so do u know who sent u the flowers

evaning, m'lady: no, i'd really like to meet them tho and give them my thanks

But idk what else i'd say

bc idk if they did it bc of the speech or??? Why would you do it anon im so confused now

coo: maybe its like ur,,,

Secret admirer

Its like leaving a note in your locker but much more highkey ig

evaning, m'lady: do you think they go to our school?

coo: i bet tbh

maybe not tho

Idk do you know anyone who likes to hang w/ you and might like you

evaning, m'lady: im just really really confused because n o

coo: i'll fight your confusion for u mk

evaning, m'lady: thanks i appreciate it

coo: nvm i have to sign off, stay alive for me

evaning, m'lady: ok, and u make sure you live to fight another day

god thats a lot of flowersWhere stories live. Discover now