Chapter 7

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• Isaac's POV •

She isn't herself anymore, I see it in her eyes.

"Y/N you can control this"

She looked up, her face showing anger.

"You should leave. Now"

"I'm not letting you alone in this"

She let out a growl and tried hurting me but I got back quickly enough.

"Focus on something, anything"

"I can't!"

She howled and pulled on her chains. They won't be enough to hold her, she'll break free for sure.

"Get away from me! I don't have control!"

She pulled her chains and yelled at me but I stayed there.

"Look at me. Look at my eyes."

She didn't even bother lift her head

"I said LOOK AT ME"

Y/N was visibly taken aback by my sudden yell. She looked at me right in the eyes.

"Now stay calm"

I took a few steps towards her, my hands in sign of surrender. She seemed hesitant at first but let me. She stiffened as I grabbed her hands then relaxed, my hands were on her chains.

"Now I need you to be calm, don't move"

I unclapsed her hands and ankles.

"What are you doing?!"

She yelled at me.

"Stay calm"

She shut up, my hands were still holding hers but she wasn't fully herself yet. Just at this moment, wind came from the window. Oh who the fuck opened that. She turned her head and seeing the full moon made her click. She pushed me to the side and jumped out.


I muttered under my breath and jumped from the window too. I landed on fallen leaves trying to catch her scent. Got it.

  •Your POV•

I could finally run and breathe. I am feeling so good right now. But I'm missing something. Food.

• Isaac's POV•

This is not good. Not good at all. I smell her. But I smell blood too. Human blood. I run faster through the forest, deeper, still following the scent. Finally, I see her, standing not far from a dead corpse. What has she done..


She looks at me and seems to realise something but quickly she jumps at me, scratching and all.


I won't fight her, I just hold her arms and flip her around. She's now under me.

"Focus, focus on something"

She growls a little then stops. Her eyes are now y/e/c again and her face is normal. We both are breathing heavily but she flips me around and gets up. I try too but pain reminds me that she hurt me. I grunt.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hurt you"

"I'm fine really."

Getting up, I remember the smell.

"Oh what have you done"

She turns to where I'm looking and her eyes widen.



So sorry that was short I'll try updating soon <3

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