Chapter 5

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I was in front of Scott's house with Lydia and Allison, I just stared at it for a few moments then we rang. Right after that, the door flew open revealing the three boys, all smiling. Allison and Scott were staring at each other. I cleared my throat with a smile and walked passed them to greet Isaac and Stiles.
"Oh by the way, you're all sleeping here tonight"
Scott informed
"Oh I'll just tell my parents I'm sleeping at Lydia's" I informed
"Why do you have to lie?" Stiles asked
"Oh because Scott is a boy and my parents are... Old fashion..?"
He nodded and we settled in Scott's room, it was quite big so all of us could fit with matresses on the floor.
"Sooo what shall we do? Why did we have to come?" Allison asked
"Well we just wanted to hang out I guess" Scott tried saying it casually but ended up blushing.
"Shall we just go out for the night?" I proposed
"No! I-I mean... We can't" Stiles started saying
"My mom...won't let us go out" Scott finished the sentence for him
"Oh. Wait. Is this some kind of setup?"
"Well the full moon is tonight.."
"I'm pretty sure it's tomorrow" Lydia suddenly said. They. Messed up the date of the night they're supposed to shift.
"Really? You forgot that."
"Well hum sorry.. but since you're here let's just enjoy?" I chuckled

We ended up playing video games then we ordered pizzas and talked while eating. I talked a bit more to Isaac and he was ok I guess. Then we went up to his room and it pretty much ended up in a pillow fight. We had three teams. Obviously Allison and Scott were together, Stiles and Lydia then Isaac and I. We had built our little fortress whith tons of pillows and stuffed animals. The rules were simple: Avoid soft things.
I sent one to Scott but missed him then Lydia tried touching me but missed too. The battle continued until there was only me, Isaac and Scott left. Lydia was cheering us, Stiles and Allison were screaming for Scott. Isaac attacked him directly with pillows but got shot "I will avenge you" I told him trying to act serious but ended up laughing and WAIT. Did he just SMILE?
Scott and I were dodging stuffed animals and pillows. I could only hear "On your left!" Or "Duck!" I finally touched him receiving cheers from Lydia. I shaked Scott's hand and laughed "You played well" "No he sucks! We woooon!!!!!" Isaac almost screamed. He lifted me on his shoulders and ran around the room earning my and the others laughter.

The rest of the night was quite fun, we talked a lot. Then they all slept exept me and Isaac. We ended up talking a lot. Really a lot. He was funny once you got to know him.

*Time skip*
°A dream°
I was in a forest, everything was dark, scary. "Is anyone out there?" Nobody answered. I walked until I reached a part with more light, I got closer and noticed there was someone there. I couldn't recognise who it was even thougt the face was familiar, it was blurry. I got even closer and noticed that person had fengs and... It was me. My eyes were glowing blue. Why weren't they yellow anymore? Wait. They turn blue when you kill someone.. Did I?... No. Imposible..
I walked around myself until the other me started walking somewhere else, I followed not knowing what to do. "We" arrived in another place with more light but something was different... I could barely see anything, something was odd. The closer I got, the best I could see until I noticed it was the ground that wasn't normal. There were... Bodies.
The other me bit into one of them, it screamed, I couldn't move "Stop! STOP IT!" I yelled and yelled not earning any answers. "PLEASE STOP!" Then I saw my parents "Y/N what are you doing?" The other me turned to them "No! Don't hurt them!" She bit both of them, leaving their corpses like that. I screamed so bad "Why are you doing this!" "Don't you know Y/N. I'm you." This sent shivers through my body. My legs gave up, to let me down to my parents, the smell of blood getting to me. I cried and screamed, all around them were dead bodies. My friends bodies.

°End of dream°

I was woken up by giggles and faint voices. I was so comfortable, I didn't want to open my eyes. I dug my head further into whatever was around me. I then noticed a smell of men's perfume and deodorant. Shit. Isaac. I quickly got up seeing all of them four giggling and pointing us. What the hell happened.

• Allison POV •

I woke up and made my way to the bathroom just to refresh my sleepy face. Lydia, Stiles and Scott were up now, stretching. I took a look at Y/N and. Is that Isaac? "Guys look" I whispered and pointed towards them. Isaac's arms were around Y/N and her head was in between his chest and his neck "They're so cute I need to take a picture" Lydia got her phone and so did Stiles. We giggled then Y/N moved only to put her head further into his neck. Then she seemed to notice something and got up, looking all confused. "Uh what happened?" She groaned "Well you tell us. You were the one sleeping on Isaac" Scott said laughing "We just talked and probably ended up like that" "Suuuure" I mocked her "Well do you wanna know what you and Scott looked like 'cause it wasn't really-" "Okaaay let's just have breakfast" I cut her and we all got down.

(AN: So how did you like that? Leave comments❤)

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