Chapter 1-2

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Chapter 1 Scene 2:

(Chrona lands, standing on a rooftop overlooking a the entrance to a large park, police cars and officers surrounding the area and ushering people away from it. Farther into the building less expanse explosions can be heard, followed by the falling of a large tree in the distance.)

<Chrona> (Mumbling under her breath.) I swear to God, if that moron got himself hurt-

<Kairy> (Interrupting from within her thoughts.) You'll hurt him more?

<Chrona> You get my point. (She grumbles as she jumps towards the park, and the expanse of policer.)

(Elsewhere; deeper in the park, the area look like a war zone, holes blasted into the dirt, and the winding pathways of concrete shattered in places, it's fragments lying a scattered around the area. In the middle of all the carnage stands two men, one in an all white suit, and the other in a combination of black and dark greys.)

(The man in white appears to be breathing heavily, and clutching his shoulder in pain as the white of his suit is slowly being painted red, intersecting with a black line running down the length of his arm to his wrist. Beyond that bit of color, the rest of his garb is a purely white suit with the exception of a night black collared shirt. His hair is somewhat matted with blood, staining the dark brown with a red stickiness, and dripping down onto the black white mask that completely conceals the top half of his face. Even with his apparent injuries, a small smile still adorns his face, as if he is having the time of his life.)

(Across from his appears to be a old western cowboy bandit, with a black stetson hat ontop of his blonde hair, a bandit's mask of matching color covering his eyes, and a dark grey handkerchief over his mouth. His main attire consists of dark grey pants, and a black shirt similar to that of his opponent, along with a golden belt with a small tan pouch and a gun holster attached to it. In his hand he wields a plain looking silver revolver.)

(As the two ready to move again, Chrona approaches, landing a few feet behind the white suited figure.)

<Chrona> You know Mask, we had a time set up and everything. Least you could have done is sent me some type of message on that stupid mask of yours.

<Masquerade> (The white suited man turns his head slightly, giving Chrona a warm smile.) Hey Love. Would've called, but I got a bit preoccupied with Justice over here.

<Chrona> Stop called me that. (Internally) I hate how much I love him calling me that. (Externally) And since when did you call dealing with these things "justice"?

<Justice> (The man in the cowboy outfit waves toward Chrona with his gun. He begins talking with a heavy old western tinge.) Um, I'm Justice, and I'd appreciate you not callin' me a "thing" little lady. Seein' as the whole parties here, can we get back to things? I was about to kick your boyfriend's sorry caboose outta this town.

<Chrona> (She sighs as she walks toward Masquerade.) Is that really how he talks?

<Masquerade> Eyup, it wasn't so bad at first, but the novelty quickly fades.

<Justice> Yah know, if ya'll are just gonna make fun of how I talk all night-

<Chrona> (Lets out a snicker.) I'm sorry, but we've never fought a villain that's gotten so much into costume before.

<Justice> I ain't no villain! I am Justice! Ya'll are the vigilantes breakin' the law and takin' work from those fine cops. I'm just here ta put a stop to ya!

<Chrona> ... He does realise the irony in-

<Masquerade> I tried explaining it to him already, it's like trying to reason with a barn.

<Chrona> I mean considering his the- (She's suddenly tackled to the ground by Masquerade as the ground below her explodes into a shower of dirt.)

<Justice> (Looking fairly angry underneath his mask and bandana, is now aiming his revolver right at where the two were standing just moments before.) If y'all are here to make fun'a me all night, I'll just haveta blow your jaws off, see if you'll be laughing then.

<Chrona> (Pushing Masquerade off her, as she notices him grimacing in pain and clutching his bleeding shoulder tighter.) Sit out this one Mask, I got Billy the Kid here. (Her watch glows, and shining dust pour out of it, forming the shape of a large arrow clock hand, before dropping into the ground. She reaches over to it with her right hand, whipping back her cloak as she wields it.) Can't believe I'm about to say this cowboy, but I think you're in the wrong time.<Masquerade> (Standing up next to her, a black liquid pouring from underneath his mask, down his arms and enveloping his hands in a inky black substance.) You could have gone with "you're out of time" love. Much better.<Chrona> (Glares at him.) Oh shut up and let's kick this guys sorry ass back to the old west.

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