Trace Chapter 1-1

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Chapter 1 Scene 1:

(A lone figure sits atop a slightly slanted rooftop underneath the moon, a tan cloak covering their head and billowing around them in the night air. The figure leans back, staring at the expanse of houses and buildings stretching out in front of them as they clutch the cloak around their body to keep to cold from stinging to much as the noises of car engines and beeping can be heard off in the distance. The figure lets out a sigh of annoyance as they glance up at the stars, revealing brown bangs poking out from under the hood covering their forehead right above a masquerade style mask covered in ornate carvings of gears. The figure is obviously female from, with piercing brown eyes shining with some anger behind the mask, and her mouth curled in a slight frown.)

<Figure> When he suggested we should start patrolling together, I figured he'd actually be on time for it. What type of person is late to their own plan?

(With that statement the figure's wrist glows slightly, prompting her to remove her arm from the cloak and revealing the source to be an old timey analog watch on her slender cloth covered arm. The watch releases a pulse before the figure of a small blonde girl in a white dress appears an inch or two above it.)

<Watch> Who knows, maybe he ran into something on the way here Chrona. Don't forget how excited you were just to get to spend more time with him.

<Chrona> I wasn't excited to spend time with him! (She looks away from her watch, indignant and mumbles.) Just was happy he might be considering me a partner finally... Anyways Kairy, it still doesn't give Mask a right to stand me up!

<Kairy> (She gives her wielder a mischievous look.) Oh, so you're mad because he stood you up on your date then?

<Chrona> That is not what I said and you know it!

(As she finishes her exclamation sirens come into earshot of the two, and Kairy cracks with static, echoing police chatter.)

<Radio> -block off the area, and get any civilians out of there. Masquerade can deal with the Wielder, just make sure we don't have any unneeded casualties.

(Chrona stands, whipping back her cloak revealing the outfit underneath. A leather brown top ordained with with a number of metal buttons and straps, and long skin-tight pants of a matching color.)

<Chrona> Guess I know who he's standing me up for. If you think this is an excuse, you are dead wrong Mask. (A small smile slips across her mouth.) Just don't have all the fun without me. (And with that she jumps forward, landing on the next roof and continuing to move high speed towards the direction of sirens and police lights.)

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