6. "I want to meet him"

Começar do início

You nodded nervously, having to imagine what Jimin wanted from you. Did he even still have feelings for you? Or had they disappeared just like the friendship and love for his brothers?
Whatever it was he wanted, it certainly had to do something with killing the others.

You had to persuade him to not do it. Whatever he was feeling, it couldn't be real. The old Jimin never would have wanted to hurt the members. He had always looked up to them and respected them.

"At least we know that we'll be safe for a month", Yoongi muttered, leaning back in his chair.

"But we also might be in danger when Y/N leaves. He could try and ambush this place", Taehyung pointed out.

There was silent muttering. You saw that Taehyung's cheek bones were pulsating occasionally. He kept glancing over to you nervously, probably afraid that you would get offended if he refused to help you meet Jimin.
But you wouldn't get mad at Taehyung. He was your best friend after all.

"Namjoon, would it be possible for us to move base in one month's time?", Jin questioned.
"We're in danger since Jimin knows where this hideout- and all the entries and exits are."

Namjoon nodded absently.
"Our security system is in danger. Jimin has always been a talented hacker, especially when it comes to systems he knows well."

You gulped. It was actually a miracle that he hadn't already hacked into the system if he wanted to kill the members so badly.

"Now that I think of it, have you asked Bang PD-nim where he got the information of that last mission from?", Yoongi pointed out.

If you thought about it, that mission had clearly been an intentional set-up for you to get the note. Those bandits hadn't been very strong and were probably only a distraction.

"Yeah, but he just said that he received it from the higher ups and that it was classified information", Namjoon explained.
"Bang PD-nim is starting to worry too."

Could it be that Jimin had already found a way to hack into the system?

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Could it be that Jimin had already found a way to hack into the system?

Namjoon looked over to you.
"Y/N, I want you to think about this carefully for a few days and then tell me whether you want to see him again or not."

You agreed hesitantly. Actually, you already knew that you wanted to meet him...

"I'm tired, can we postpone this meeting to another day?", Yoongi muttered, seeming to put everyone's thoughts into words.

And so the meeting was ended.
You still had to think about the note from Jimin. What if the others didn't let you go after all?


"How does it feel to be back in school again Y/N?", Taehyung grinned as he leaned against the locker next to yours.

It was your first day back after almost a week and you didn't really feel motivated for studying at all. But then again, when had you ever felt motivated for school?
Especially after finding a much more exciting life as an assassin.

Who you used to be - [p.jm]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora