Chapter 7

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"Things?" Hak gave me a look of utter disbelief then turned to Emerson. "Did she just say things?"

"Thunderbolts, whatever they're called," I added.

His jaw dropped to the floor. Funny sight, might I add, on a supposed prettyboy. "Thunderbolts?"

Harumi burst out laughing. "Oh gosh! Thunderbolts! Ha!" I noticed Kai trying to suppress a laugh and keep a straight face.

Even Emerson cracked a half smile. "Well, she's not completely off." This statement only added to Hak's disbelief, and by now Harumi was struggling to breathe and Kai couldn't keep it in no more.

"Emerson, after everything we've been through." Hak turned to Emerson, questioning him about their friendship or whatever, when I realized how close I was to Noctis. "S-sorry," I stammered, moving to take a step back. He reached his hand out to grab mine and pull me back, his eyes flashing silver. Seeing those silver orbs shine immediately put me at ease.

"Thank you," he said sincerely.

"For what . . .?"

He looked at me, as if deciding whether or not to say what was on the tip of his tongue. "For being here," he finally said.

"First of all, they're called lightening bolts! Lightening bolts! Not thunder bolts, and second of all you can't even see thunder. You can only hear it," Hak argued. "How you came to that conclusion is beyond me."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "Okay, okay. Yes, they're called lightening bolts, as if that will make it sound any better."

He scoffed in a triumphant manner, a smirk on his face, before he fully comprehended the meaning of my words. "Hey!"

Kai and Harumi toppled to the floor in a fit of stomach-clenching laughs. "Hey twins, stop laughing! You too Emerson!"

I turned to Noctis, wondering why it was all so funny, but his eyes were fixated on something behind me. Something that put that same dangerous, dark look in his eyes as from earlier. The one that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

"My, my, isn't it lively."

Immediately, all laughter ceased as the room stopped and all that could be heard was silence. Everyone straightened their backs and turned their attention to the new voice that had entered the room. "I see you've made Lunette feel at ease."

Noctis put himself slightly in front of me, as if to block me, but didn't say anything.

The man came to stand a few feet away from us, a gentle smile on his face. "Still protective as ever, I see." He chuckled lightly. "Don't worry, I'm not going to bite her. Lunette is very special to me."

His words only made Noctis' expression darken.

"Hello Lunette. I am Gladiolus." The man regarded me in a familiar manner.

"Hello," I said a little uncertainly.

He smiled. "I'm sure you have many questions. I'll tell you all you want to know."

"Really?" After having so many people tip toeing around me all day, I was more than ready to finally get some answers.

"Yes. If you'll follow me, we can have our discussion somewhere else," he started to make his way out the door. I wanted to follow him but something was holding me back.

"You said you wanted answers, didn't you?" Hak said in a not so nice tone.

"Yes, I did, but--" I found myself looking at Noctis.

He looked at me with those silver eyes that took away any ounce of uncertainty I had and replaced it with newfound determination. I took a deep breath before following Gladiolus out of the room.

Hello my lovelies! How have you all been? Hope you're having a good summer so far. I've been trying to get out of post-laziness-after-finals slump and have been writing new stories and chapters and blog posts for you all. In the meantime, let me know what you think of this chapter.

Until next time!

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