Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"How could you bring her here?"

"I should be the one asking you all why you weren't there to protect her when she needed you! And you call yourself her guardians?"

"How dare you!"

I could hear muddled voices yelling from someplace. They reverberated around my head like keys on a piano, loud and out of tune.

"Who do you think you are?!"

"Let's all be calm. The situation is rather delicate at the moment."

"Delicate?" Someone scoffed. "That's a flowery way of putting it."

"You are not helping the situation Hak!"

"Oh and you are Harumi?"

I blinked away my dreariness as best as I could. Sitting up slowly, I surveyed my surroundings. I was sitting in a queen sized bed, a thick quilt laid flat to cover me. A wooden dresser and closet leaned up against the wall on my left, and a window the length of the floor to the ceiling was adorned with curtains that swept the floor. A sliver of sunshine peeked through an opening in the curtains, providing the only source of light in the whole room. I peeled back the covers and swung my legs over the edge, letting my bare feet touch the floor. Someone had taken off my clothes, dressing me in a clean t-shirt and capri pants instead. My boots were gone, as were my socks.

"What are we going to tell her?"

"Let's worry about that when she wakes up."

I tried walking to the door and almost fell on my face. There was a throbbing in my ankle and pounding in my head. "Lunette!" The door flew open and in rushed the man from earlier. Noctis. He immediately rushed over, getting down on his knees to look at me. "You should be resting. What are you doing out of bed?"

I flinched away from his outreached hand, crawling backwards. "Where am I?"

He looked at me with those dark eyes. "You need to rest. You lost a lot of blood."

I didn't understand what he meant until his eyes went to my forehead. I reached up to feel gauze wrapped tightly around my head. "What . . .?"

"I told you it was a bad idea to bring her here." The irritated voice came from the doorway where a blue eyed blonde haired boy stood with an annoyed expression.

Noctis shot him a reproachful look. "I don't take orders from you."

"You don't seem to take orders from anyone-," He shot back.

"Lunette! You're awake." Another figure popped into the doorway.

I gasped. "You're--."

"Sorry about before. I didn't mean to deceive you." The girl from earlier. Harumi.

"Neither of us did." Her twin brother Kai came to stand next to her.

"How do you people know my name?" I tried not to let my fear show but my voice betrayed me.

I felt a tickle on my cheek and jumped at the sudden touch. Noctis looked at me sadly. "You have nothing to fear."

"He's right, we would never hurt you," Harumi added in.

"I don't know who you think I am--."

"We don't think," The boy with blue eyes said abruptly. "We know."

Oh god. I've been kidnapped by crazy people who seem to think I'm someone pretty special for some unknown reason . . .

Victor and Lisa! "I have to go." I started to stand up.

Noctis caught me from falling. "Victor and Lisa," I tried to say. "I need to--."

"What you need is rest," Noctis said sternly. Something in his voice made me stop and look at him. His eyes were shining a beautiful silver, locking onto mine. "Don't worry. We'll take care of everything." I felt a wave of calmness wash over me at the sound of voice. His fingers left a lingering warmth on my skin.

I nodded at him and was rewarded with a smile that took my breath away but it was gone just as fast.

"But--," Harumi started to say something.

"It will have to wait," his tone left no room for discussion.

Clearly annoyed, Harumi clicked her tongue and spun on her heel, her twin brother following close behind.

The blonde haired boy cast us both a look I couldn't decipher before turning his head and walking away.

"I don't understand," I mumbled faintly to myself. I felt a soft touch against my cheek.

"You will soon," Noctis promised. His eyes bore into mine with a fierce tenderness, causing something in my heart to twist. The feeling was both foreign and familiar.

"Why do I feel this way around you?" I blurted without thinking.

His expression immediately became guarded and he removed his hand from my cheek, putting up an invisible barrier between us. "You should rest," was all he said before turning abruptly and leaving me on the floor feeling like I had lost something important.

Hello lovelies! So sorry for the lack of updates recently. ~>_<~ I started up classes again and to say it's been hectic is an understatement. Also, for anyone who's here from WLWI, sorry to keep you waiting. I have no excuse other than I've been stuck (again). *sigh* I'm going to finish it! I promise! I will try to update there this weekend or within the next week. Hope you enjoy this for now!

Thank you for your never ending support and let me know what you think! 😊

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