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Time unknown- world foreign to earth

A storm is coming. But that doesn't stop us. This may be the last time we will be together.

"Hey." My voice is but a whisper, but I know he can hear me. "They say I will go mad. That one day, I will end my life."

His arms squeeze tighter around my waist and I lean back into his embrace, this safe haven I never want to escape. But I know it will not last forever. "If I am to die," I continue. "I wish no other way but by your hand." He stays silent. I feel his cheek against mine.

I free myself from his hold to turn around and embrace him. My arms desperately grasp the fabric of his garment as I fight back tears. "Please," I beg him. "Only by you. Free me from this curse that haunts me." I bring my face closer to his until we are just inches apart and stare into his dark eyes, so dark that they may be black. They hold the same indifferent expression he always wears, but something more. Something only I can see.

I know what he will say before he opens his mouth to speak. "If that is your wish, then I cannot object." Our lips are a breath away. "I will say it as many times. I will never betray you," he says before our lips touch.

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