chapter VI

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I woke up to the sound of Julian whispering my name and gently stroking my hair.

My eyes opened slowly, waiting to see a druged Jules, but instead I found him sober and very attentive.

"Jules? What's wro-" His hand covered my words and he spoke with his eyes.

We knew each other for so long that we could almost read one another's mind. And I knew, in that moment, his mind was saying that we were fucked.

'They found us. And they're in the building.' was what his eyes told me.

I sucked in my breath. No, not here. Not now. Not SS.

He took his hand of my mouth and pointed at the door with a flick of his head, whispering "There is an emergency door right in the other side of the hall. It will take us to the fire stairs, which lead to the back of the hospital."

I only nodded, not waisting any time and getting up, heading to the room's door, feeling him on my hills.

I came to a stop suddenly, turning to look at Julian. "Jules, what about your back?"

"Fuck my back, we need to get the hell out of here. They're here to kill you and I'm not gonna stand here and wait for them to accomplish that shit!" he seemed pissed. I totally got it, I myself felt irritated as hell.

I kinda felt like crying with his statement. Without even thinking about it, I enlaced my arms around his neck, taking him off guard. He recovered quickly, caging me in his arms.

I felt him wince as he dubled slightly to hug me, backing off so I didn't hurt him more. He only held me thighter, burrying his face on my hair.

I shivered. "Jules..." My voice came out more hoarse than I wished. I let go of him, adding suddenly "We should go."

He had a tiny smirk in the corner of his mouth "Yeah, we should."

I spun around so abruptly I felt dizzy. Hoped he didn't cought me flushed.

Realizing where we were yet, the present smacked my face, rocking my bones. We were still running for our lifes... Concentrate Sophia!

The adrenaline was hitting her way up my sistem, enhancing my view, making my body lighter, soundless.

Obviously, Jullian had to grab my hand and push me behind him before I could even reach the doorknob. I rolled my eyes at him, even though he had his ass to me. I knew how to lead too!

His hand was still on mine, so I blushed and tried to separate them, but he held it tighter.

"Don't let go of me." even thought his voice was low and cautious, he sounded pleading.

I looked at the back of his neck for a moment, and clung my hand where it belonged: in his.

Honestly, I felt safer and more relaxed, if being relaxed in this kind of situation was allowed. He always made me feel like this.

He opened the door, holding me inside the room, safely, and looked up and down the hall, making sure it was clear.

When he was done checking, he pulled me with him towards the other side of the hall, where the emergency door was. He opened it, revealing a flight of stairs that looked more like the descendance to Hell. It was to dark in there.

"Do you have your phone there?" he asked, turning to me.

I handed him my phone with my free hand,  without pronoucing a word. He grabbed it and almost instantly turned the lantern on.

"Don't distance yourself a single inch from me, okay?" He disconnected his hand off mine, brushing a lock of hair from my face, caressing my cheek.

I knew I was blushing like crazy, but I didn't give a damn. This could be the last time his dark eyes would look at me. My heart was exploding with an unknown emotion, mixed with fear. Not fear of dying any second, but of him being dragged with me to the grave.

"Please hold me." The words escaped my mouth before I could stop them. His eyes widened in surprise for a split second, before his arms encircled me with such exasperation, my feet lifted of the ground.

A sound coming from the bottom of the stairs broke us apart just as fast as we had clung together, and both of us tensed like rocks.

Julian started to walk down the stairs, slowly, always checking if I was behide him, with an arm towards me in a protective gesture. I was scared as shit, but I could play warrior when I needed.

The sound was now distinguished as footsteps. By the rhythm I could easily tell it belonged to only one pair of legs, which made me more confident, somehow. Still, my heart was beating like the moon just died forever.

Julian desconnected our hands and reached inside his jeans back pocket to reveal a gun. To be more precise, it was a Smith&Wesson revolver, Cal.32. Yes, my weapons knowledge is very vast, considering the life I'm taking.

I squeezed his hand so he could look at me and answer my silent question.

When he turned his gaze to me, his eyes said "I'll explain later". I didn't wanted to complain at the moment, because we could be at the very last moments of our existence.

We restarted the descendance in the dark, towards our probable death.

The sound was coming fast. My heart was almost abandoning my body trought my mouth. I could almost hear Jullian's just as loud as my own.

Looking at the dark steps I could already distinguish a human frame. By his shoulders structure and the length of his hair, he was male. He was breathing heavily and the repercussion of his boots was making my bones vibrate like guitar ropes.

Six or seven more steps and we would be face to face with the unknown man.

Julian came to a stop, causing me to bump into him.

The guy must have heard because his head shoot up, finally aware he was not alone. He stopped abruptly, peering the darkness, trying to identify his company.

Julian aimed the gun at the boy's head, endeavoring to intimidate him. The other one just stood there, studing the gun's barrel as if it contained all the answers of the world.

"Who are you?" Julian asked with his "bitch, I'm a bad ass so you better don't fuck with me"  tone.

The guy didn't answer. Just stood there, quite as a statue.

"I asked who the FUCK ARE YOU!"

"Julian?" the guys voice came with the density of a whisper.

A very known whisper.

My brows flew up, my mouth partened, my breath stuck. It couldn't be... But he... No, it could not be...

"I... Isaac...?"

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