chapter II

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"He is WHAT?" I exclaimed.

Oh, it was bad. It was reeally bad.

His father couldn't be back! Wasn't he arrested five years ago with a twenty years sentence? He couldn't be out so soon. No wander he's afraid. If anyone should be, it was him.

"He got out for good behavior and is only in preventive custody now."

"How the fuck can they release a murderer?" I was incredule.

He didn't answer. He just stood there, head low, probably thinking of how fucked up his life would became because of this.

"Jules, come on. Don't think about it. He wouldn't dare co-"

"Don't think about it?" his tone was low and hurt. "Do you remember why he was arrested?"

I remembered it like it was yesterday. Still vivid in my mind. In our mind. I knew it haunted him still by the countless nightmares he had about his father and that day. And it was in that day that I started to hate his father like no other human being. If he could be called that.

"Of course. How could I forget? I almost lost you."

He sighed, running his hands throught his hair, spiking the curls all up. One of them fell in his eye so I reached it and shove it away from his face. His gaze ascended to my face, his eyes flitting like it was the last time he was going to see me and was trying to memorize every single feature.

"Stop looking at me like that." I said in a tiny voice.

"Like what?" He asked hoarsely.

In that moment, I realised I had moved in front of him. We were so close now. Only a thin cortain of air and the smell of cigarette smoke separating us. I felt a strange spark run up my spine as I noticed what direction he was looking. My lips. His tongue licked his bottom lip.

Why was I suddenly feeling the need to kiss him?


He's your best friend, Sophia!, my conscience spoke. What the fuck do you think you're thinking?! Quit it! Besides, he probably tastes like a chimney right now, anyway...

I cleared my throat before saying, "Like this is the last time we're seeing each other."

"Maybe it is."

"Don't be so melodramatic. We'll find a way. Besides, the judge said he can't came closer than five meters."

"He might find a way." he locked his eyes with mine, showing concern. "I don't even care if he comes for me. I care if you get caught in the crossfire"

Something flicked inside my chest. Was he seriously thinking about MY safety when it was HIS life that was in danger? Thinking better, he always did that. He was always protecting me fiercely, like... like a sister. For some reason I didn't like to be told that I was like 'his sister'. It made me unconfortable.

I wander why...

In that moment I only wanted to wrap my arms around him and hug the shit out of him.

And I did.

I encircled his waist, flattening my cheek in his chest. He putted his strong arms around me, embracing me. He was, at least, six inches taller than me, so he could just reast his chin on top of my head.

I don't know how long we stayed like this. What I know is that we broke apart as his phone rang impaciently. When he answered it I could listen to his mom on the other side, as clean as water.

"Are you home? Is Sophia with you? Is she okay?" I heard her asking.

His mother was my favorite being in the all universe. She was really small (smaller, even, than my five feet four) but she had the streighth of a bull. And she sure could keep hold of herself. She was like my mother. My second mother.

"Yes, yes and yes. I'm good too, thank you." he said in an annoyed tone.

"Don't you two dare coming out of that house, do you hear me?" Something on her voice made Julian and, automaticaly, me tense. She sounded affraid. Well, her extremely dangerous husband just got out of jail, I think that's one hell of a reason.

"Why, mom? What's wrong?" his eyebrows were frowned in a confused look. He moved away from the counter, walking nervously.

"Just promise you won't come out until I or the police gets there. Make sure everything is locked up. And most importantly, don't open the door to ANYONE. Do you hear me? No one!"

" 'the hell the police coming here for? Mom?"

"Just do as I say, please." and she hung up.

By the look he gave me I knew exacly what was on his mind. His father was coming. And he wasn't coming just to say "hi".

He aproached me with a single step, cutting the distance he had created, imprisoning my face between his big hands and said "Go to my room and lock the door. Don't come out until I go get you, okay?"

"No!" I wasn't going to leave him deal with this alone. "I'm not leaving you!"

"Soph, please..." he sounded in pain. I stared at his eyes. He looked in pain.

I knew how protective of me he could be, but I wasn't just going to coward, run away and leave him alone to deal with his father. That could cost his life, and I refused to lose him. If something happened to him... 

I shoke my head and stepped out of his hold. "Jules, I'm not going to leave you! And theres nothing you can say or do to change my mind!" for his own good, my temper rose and I snaped at him. What kind of person would abandon her best friend just to save herself? That's fucking selfish. "And I know what you're thinking on doing. I fucking dare you! I fucking dare you to lock me in here or to carry me against my will to your room and keep me in there."

He was troubled with my statement. I could see the feelings rushing inside his gaze: pain, concern, a little bit of anger and... respect.

"Fine." he finally said after a moment studying me. "But you will not, in any circumstance, further yourself from me, you hear?"

I simply nodded. Before we could move an inch, he chuckled wile looking at me still.

"What?" I inquired stoically.

"I find it amusing when you're being all fierce and stubborn." his eyes emanate foundness towards me.

"I don't like when you understimate me. I'm not made of glass, you know... I can defend myself, and you, if needed!"

He grabbed me by my shoulders and pulled me closer again. He pressed his lips against my forehead and whispered "I know you can.".

A strong knock ecooed through the house. I jumped a little and stared at Julian. His jaw was set, his arm muscles hard as rocks with tension, his eyes wide and watchful.  It's him, his expression screamed.

All my fierceness and courageousness suddenly drained from my body. Luckly, adrenaline would fill my veins soon enough.

Julian started to move himself out of the kitchen, but I caugh his wrist, stopping him.

"Wait. We need weapons."

After both of us grab hold of a knife, we darted to the living room. My blood was flushing at full force in my veins. My heart was deafening me for how hard it was beating. At least my brain was already a little druged by the adrenaline, or I would be shaking as much as  a tiny chihuahua.

I could feel Julian struggling with the same feelings as mine. Maybe slightly more confident, which was freaking amazing considering his life could be in it's last moments right now.

Another loud knock. This time it came with a strong yell.

"Julian, my son! Open the door!" it was him.

Well shit.


I have nothing to say about this except... Well shit. Let's pray for their souls, amen!

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