chapter IV

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Where am I?

Everything was white. The walls, the ceilling, the floor... In fact, none of those seemed to exist. It was like I was in the middle of nothing. No doors, no windows, no furniture. Nothing.

I positioned myself on my elbows so I could take a better look around.

I was in the middle of nothing.

Great. This must be one of those creepy ass dreams where a little girl comes to you and demandes you to follow her to a corner, where another creepy ass child is singing a sleeping song and playing with cubes, and then when you aproach her she rotates her head one hundred and eighty degrees, calling you mommy, with her eyes and mouth wide and black.

I sighed. Well, it could be worst.

As I inspectioned my surroundings, my eyes fell upon a silhouette with long, wavy hair, far from where I laid. Defenately a female silhouette. Something about her was as familiar as my own reflection, even though she had her back to me.

I rose to my feet, never taking my gaze of the girl. My legs started to move in her direction without me even noticing. As I looked down, I realised my body was fully exposed, literally. I was completely naked. I don't even know why, but a sudden wave of laughter creeped up my chest.

The girl must have heard it because she turned to face me. I swear my dick fell in the ground as I realised who it was.

"Soph..." Her name came out in a whisper. Somehow I wasn't able to speak out loud. Maybe because she was FUCKING NAKED! Just as I was.

When her eyes met mine, she smiled affectionately. I could only stare like a baboon, perplexed.

Why isn't she cringing like she just saw her mom and dad having sex on the couch?

It's not like I wasn't enjoying the way she was regarding me, with her big, golden cat eyes. Believe me, I was. It was more the fact that the way she was behaving wasn't caracteristic of her. First, she had extreme complexes with her body, therefore she would never walk around this naked; second, she was a shy woman, the kind of shy that looks in your eyes and after two seconds averts her gaze, blushing like a tomato, which was not the case at the moment; third, she never stared at me lustfully. Like she was about to eat me alive. Yes, in that way you're thinking.

She aproached me, walking confidently, another uncharacteristic thing of her, hypnotizing me with the moviment of her hips.

Before completely erasing the space between us, she gave me a full body glance, starting from my curls, ending on my toes, lingering on my private parts. I must have been flushed because I felt my face burning hot, among other things.

Her arms came around my neck, pulling me down so she could murmur in my ear "I think someone is happy to see me." I could feel her giggle slightly. She was soo close. Soo... soo... close...

Something about her voice was off. It seemed different, more mature.

I totally forgot about her voice as soon as her lips touched the skin in my neck. I shivered. I wanted so bad to wrap my hands around her skinny waist, burry my nose in the curve of her neck, spread kisses all over her body. But I couldn't move. I could only stand there, wide eyed, burning in desire.

"Jules." I almost fainted at the sound of my name on her lips, and her breath in my ear. Her voice was back to normal. Well, if it wasn't for the libido on it.

Her skin was just as hot as mine, and silky smooth, making me wanna run my hands all over it, burn myself on her.

"Touch me."

Geez, I wanted to. I really did, but I couldn't move an inch. It was like I've been embalmed alive.

The sound of a shooting gun reached my ears. With it came the sound of someone sucking on her breath. Sophia. Her hands hardened on my curls, straining them as if trying not to fall.

There was something sticky between our bodies. Something slippery. It had a metalic accent.


When she backed away I registered the horror in her eyes. Then I followed the direction of her hands, pressed against her abdomen. Blood was slidding in between her fingers, down to her belly, her thighs, her feet, spreading on the white floor.

She's been shot from the back, but the bullet trespassed her like she was made of paper.

Desperation started to rise on my chest. I couldn't move, I couldn't talk, I couldn't do shit.

Sophia was dying right in front of me and I couldn't move a fucking finger about it.

"Jules." her voice was so agonized. It wasn't more than a mere whir. "Wake up, Jules. You need to wake up. You need to come back to me."

The last thing I saw before being swallowed by the darkness was her afflicted golden eyes, pleading.

"Soph..." was all I could whisper before falling in the arms of the blackness.


OMG! This is what I call a plot twist ahah ;)

What the hell did this meant? Was it some kind of warning for future occurings or was it just a REALLY bad dream (at least in the end)? Hope it's just a nightmare...!

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