chapter V

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My eyes opened slowly, revealing a small and unfamiliar white and blue room. I almost forgot we where at the hospital. I must have fallen asleep on the chair next to Julian's bed. And in an extremely unconfortable position, because my neck was sore as hell.

"Soph, no..." Jules was laid on his stomach, face turned to me, with his desfigured back up to view. Obviously I couldn't see the gashes directly, but the gauze compresses were bloody and all over his usually flawless back. 

He was having a bad dream. His breathing was unleveled, his pupils running wild inside his eyelids, his lips parted as he muttered my name in a desperate tone.

I came in closer, caressing his cheek. "I'm right here, Jules. It's just a nightmare. Everything is okay."

Everything was far from okay. His father was somewhere, planning his next move on Jules, being the motherfucker he was; the SS agents were probably so close to get me I could just strech my hand and smack them in the face. We were so fucked up I could almost taste grave dirt already.

I wished everything gone back to normal, to when we were just two ordinary teenagers, messing around and doing teenage shit, to when we could go to the beach without having to look behind our shoulder all the time, to when we could go to the movies and bowling without the fear of a lunatic man, or a group of armed to the teeth men make their appearance and kill us both right on the spot.

All of those seemed so far in time. Sometimes all I wanted was to yell FUCK at the top of my lungs and let it all go to hell, but I couldn't because my ass would drop lower then sea level, dragging Julian with me, and that's the last thing I want.

Jules moved brusquely under my hand, which made my reveries fade away and my attention fly to him. He kept making struggling motions as he started to say my name more loudly.

"Jules!" I shook him by the rigid shoulder "Wake up, Jules! You need to wake up!"

He wasn't waking up. Shit. He must have been dreaming about his father. Generally, when he had dreams about the motherfucker, waking him up was almost impossible. Like the son of a bitch wasn't a pain in the ass in real life already.

"Jules! You need to wake up right now! You need to come back to me!" It was useless.

Or maybe not. At that, his eyes snapped open. His pupils swallowed his already dark irises, making them even darker and, honestly, a little scary.

When he saw me, his eyes widened in realization, softening. His hand flew to my face, stroking my cheekbone, my eyebrows, my jaw, my lips... Like if making sure I was real.

He exhaled sharply. "Thank God. Geez, never had such an intense dream." He let go of a petite laugh.

"You scared the shit out of me! You were screaming my name like I was being crushed by a train. What the fuck, Jules?"

He burried his face on the pillow, letting go of another sigh. He stud like that for a little, until his face was turned to me again, and he said "Let me just tell you, don't you dare bleed to death in front of me, ever, okay?"


"And if you're going to act all kinky, feel free to do it in real life." He laughed along with that.

"You're a freak, Julian Blake." I fell back into my chair. They could, at least, have gave me a pillow. Or a blanket. Assholes.

"And you're gorgeous." My blood suddenly stopped running and started to float to my face. Great. Now I was blushing. And the idiot fell asleep, again. Kinda thankful for that. For some reason, I didn't want him to see me flushed by his words.

My temper was rising higher than a palm tree.

What is wrong with me? First, the craving for his kiss; now, THIS? Ugh. Pull yourself together, Sophia! I thought.

Looking at a peaceful Julian, I felt my irritation flush down my brain, exchange by sadness.

Why couldn't his features always be like this? Rakish, carefree. He looked so young when like this. So handsome. Not that he wasn't when awake, no doubt he was, but you get my point!

In a blink of an eye, I was back near him, without even noticing my act.

I laid my head on his pillow, having plenty of space as he had this habit of sleeping only in one half of it. Maybe because since we were kids I always fell asleep on his pillow, so he always had to sleep on the other side. Usually the smaler side.

Thinking about it, I choked a laugh. I missed those times. Oh God, I really did.

His hair was all messed up, so I reached it and softened it. His curls were so smooth, like a baby's. I was kind of jealous about it. And his lashes. Why in hell do all boys have big eyelashes? What do they need them for? Don't get me started on his lips...

His lips.

Dammit! I was blushing again.

What in the actual fuck is wrong with me?

"Don't stop." Shit, he wasn't sleeping after all. But I could tell he was in the verge of it, because of his hoarse tone. Or maybe it was something else.

"I'm sorry. I woke you, didn't I?" I retrieved my hand, placing it under my cheek.

He opened his eyes again, looking at me with a nuance of humor and something more that I couldn't decipher. "No, I wasn't sleeping. Why did you stop? I was enjoying it." He gave me an one side grin.

I am pretty sure I was blushing from the very top of my face, all the way down to the tip of my toes. My eyes averted from his, so he couldn't read them, and because I was embarrassed enough already.

Idiot. He knew me well enough to notice what he was doing.

I dared a glance at him as he stud quiet. He was looking at me with a strange expression on his face. His pupils were huge.

Okay, so he was druged. That explained a lot.

"I'm feeling funny." he said, frowning but smilling like a child. "Your eyes are so gold. And your lips are so rosy. Like rose petals. I bet they are soft too."

What the fuck, Julian?

I could only lay there, wide eyed, reddened, as he rose his hand and traced my bottom lip with his index finger, lightly. A shiver bolted down my body, as if his touch had electricity in it.

My gaze concentrated on his lips, and once again I craved his kiss.

My heart was beating like a maniac. I bet he could hear it from there.

"I'm feeling light. Like I'm floating. Am I floating?" his eyes showed confusion before closing and transporting him into dream land once again.

I kept staring at him, my heart slowing down, the warmth I felt in my cheeks cooling. I suddenly felt exasted, drained.

Less than a minute after, I fell asleep, my head still right beside Julian's, our breaths mixing with each other's. It was like we've gone back in time, and we were just two ordinary kids again.

If only...

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