Chapter 7

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Jesy was absolutely done.

She was done with being called a friend. She didn’t want to be friends with Jade. “Friends” just wouldn’t suffice. Jesy wanted more—so much more. Jesy knew she had to go out of her way, but she was going to get out of the friend-zone.

Jesy stayed in her bunk most of the time. The girls didn’t really know why, but at they didn’t really bother. People like their alone time. What Leigh-Anne, Perrie, and Jade didn’t realize is that Jade was using up all of Jesy’s time. Jesy would rather daydream about Jade than go shopping with Perrie or Leigh-Anne. It was unhealthy, but the girls couldn’t see it.

Jade collapsed on the couch, sighing out of boredom. “I’m so bored,” she would complain.

That’s when Jesy saw it. She could entertain Jade—maybe even make Jade fall in love with her in the process. Jesy smiled, and she knew what she was going to do. She grabbed the doll from her pocket, and she held it tightly.

“Let’s go to the beach,” Jesy suggested.

Jade smiled, and she reached for her swimming suit. “Let’s go!” Jade exclaimed as she took Jesy’s hand.

All Jesy did was try not to blush.




Jade and Jesy walked hand-in-hand to the beach; it wasn’t so far away. Jesy was becoming self-conscious, however. What if her hands were sweating? What if she was making Jade feel uncomfortable? So many things were rushing through Jesy’s head, but Jade somehow managed to calm her down.

“So, what are we going to do?” Jade asked. “Swim? Just lie on the sand?”

“Whatever you wanna do,” Jesy replied with a smile.

The two made it to the shore, and Jade kicked off her sandals. “Race you to the water!” she yelled. Jade immediately started running, but it was hard to run in sand. Jesy only laughed and followed her.

Jade was already setting up the chairs when Jesy finally made it. Jade smiled. “Took you long enough.”

“Sand if hard to move in,” Jesy replied.

“Tell me about it!” Jade exclaimed.

Jesy but the umbrella down in the sand. When she looked up, Jade was right in front of her face. They were so close it was unbelievable. Their lips were only centimeters apart, and Jesy felt a sweat coming on.

Jade starting leaning in, slowly closing the gap in between her and Jesy.

“Your eyes are so green…” Jade murmured.

Jesy didn’t know how to react. Wasn’t she going to kiss me? Jesy thought. Why didn’t she kiss me?

“C’mon, Jess!” Jade said, breaking eye-contact with Jesy. “Let’s go swim!”

Jesy didn’t know what to feel. The love of her life was supposedly about to kiss her, but she didn’t. Was she happy? Was she confused? Was she upset?

Despite her flying emotions, Jesy went into the water anyway.




Jade woke up the next morning, only to see Leigh-Anne checking her temperature.

“Leigh, what are you doing?” Jade asked. Her tone of voice was quite rude, but she didn’t care.

“Checking your temperature, of course,” Leigh-Anne retorted. “What did you think I was doing?”

Jade didn’t answer. “Why would you need to check my temperature? I don’t have a fever. I’m completely fine!”

“Jade, you stopped breathing. I wanna see if you’re okay!”

“I’m perfectly fi—”

Jade didn’t finish her sentence. She started groaning out in pain. She quickly brought a hand to her head, and she clenched on to her hair. “My head…” she moaned.

Leigh-Anne rushed to get some Aspirin, but when she came back, Jade was dancing around the room. “Dance with me, Leigh!” Jade giggled.

Leigh-Anne shook her head. There was something wrong with Jade, and she knew it.

She also knew that she couldn’t find out why.

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