(i forgot the original title)

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March 20th

Nods yes to a good tune.
Desires a good time.
Yearns to feel wasted.
Only because it was the feeling of a forbidden high.

The fun laughs.
They laugh at you.
Say, "What do you know?"

Oh, I know everything.

Did my black clothes fail to inform you?
Do my taps not creep you out?

Wishing upon a star
Wonder where that pause button is at
He said he would be here

I looked around and saw my doubt pour.
I suppose this is why nostalgia held me close with a vision that's clear.

Had to shine a glass in the light last night.
Was thinking about doing it again
What happens when we are all dead?

The dead is cold
But even they have someone to hold
Whether it's their body, self-worth, or tombstone; no matter how low they may be they can't rise to what you know them to be.

Little Reminders حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن