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I broke a bone

You lost a few

I broke your trust

You already knew

You knew how the flowers bloom and show no pain, how being vulnerable is the opposite of being sane

But what did i know? I could hear your requests. Did they do anything to you when i closed the box? I knew I wasn't sure but I couldn't handle the frequent tick tocks. The red X on the screen told me to believe in myself. Said, "You will regret it if you don't do it now"

They say if you love yourself that your face would glow, but mine does that naturally and I know your secrets still. I hold your dark means in a way that's meant to kill. I know that even the darkest shadow is no match for your endurance; your skill.

You cried

I didnt know what to do, yet i still look up to you

I am a coward

For I never know what to do

I relied on your leadership
On the way which you smile and that reflects me
Reflects the way I lead my emotions

These tides overcome my strengths
My bare arms are yours at command
Or at least they were

Now I pretend that they never existed and what you brought was from me

My dependent legacy hurts and it's all my fault
I want to fix it but I'm too caught up
It fell apart in my hands

It's all her fault, never mine!
When did I ask to be number one
Spotlight on me, no one else.
See Doc it does hurt, too! Admitting a weakness I have hid since i was due from my mothers womb.

Such a menace to my own means.
I never make an effort to try.
So if I lose you now, I'll probably never look back.

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