**Bonus Chapter**

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I mean, I know he is an important client and everything, but this was way too easy. How was this a challenge?

He breathed a yes as I continued my assault. I was going to be done within five minutes. Yawn. As much as I hated my job, the private room was easily the best part. It meant I wasn't out there where dozens of men felt like they had a right to slap my ass or grab my boobs when I walked past with a tray of drinks.

In here, I could control it. Well, at least more than I could out there.

I climbed down from off him and while swaying my hips, I shimmied the skirt down my legs and went to step out of it when a loud crash occurred from behind me. I jumped from the sudden intrusion and spun around.


I glowered as he stood in the entranceway, his face angry and a bottle of alcohol in his hands. "Lily, come with me." He slurred, his eyes glaring at the man behind me.

I shook my head as I walked over to him by the door and tried to push him out. He stood his ground which made me grit my teeth in annoyance. "You can't be here! They'll go mad again." I told him in an angry whisper. Gesturing to the black eye they gave me a few days ago for when Will turned up.

He was my neighbour and we gave each other comfort. We weren't strictly dating but I wouldn't be offended if someone said we were. However, there was a rule of no boyfriends in the club and I was getting punished for it!

"Hey!" The man shouted from behind. "I've paid good money for her!" He yelled.

Will's face turned red as he stepped forward but I managed to keep him in place this time. "Please." I stressed. "Go. I'll see you later!"

"You shouldn't be doing this!" He cried, gesturing at my lack of an outfit. "I can afford to look after you!"

"I don't need looking after." I spat. "Just go Will before I get in trouble!"

I hated that feeling, of having to rely on someone. Although I've always made my own money, first as a hairdresser then doing odd jobs all around the country, the feeling of being financially dependent on someone else is something I am never going to give someone the satisfaction of having.

I can look after myself. I always have and I always will.

Will gave me another look in disgust and threw the bottle at the wall opposite me, the alcohol spraying all over the important man. Glass went with it and sprinkled onto the black carpet, glistening like diamonds when the rotating lights hit them.

"Get out." I demanded. I didn't give him much of a chance to answer when I gave him a heavy push and he stumbled out. I slammed the door quickly and locked it from the inside.

I took a deep breath before turning around to the man. "Okay, so, where were we?" I smirked and started to walk towards him.

He shook his head. "No. I asked for private!" He yelled. "That man may know who I am! Was this a set up?" He questioned angrily. He spun around on the spot, trying to find a camera in the room. There was a camera but he wouldn't find it. We knew it was here for safety.

In a rush, he was stuffing his white shirt back into his pants. "I want my money back."

I frowned, "It isn't a conspiracy! He didn't have a clue who you were and there are no cameras in here for privacy. Tony looks after his favourite client." I purred, stroking a manicured hand down his chest.

He grabbed my wrist, tightening his grip so hard that I bent in reaction to the searing pain. "Ow!" I cried. The pain reached my scalp as my hair was pulled back.

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