Chapter 30 - Ready

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            Excitedly, I rushed back to my room. “Dress request approved. What’re you going to wear?” I inquired, clicking my tongue.

            Maddy lifted her head up from her phone, grinning. Reaching into her bag, she pulled out a dark blue, laced dress. “It’s a strapless.”

            “I like it,” I chirped.

            “Okay, okay,” Maddy jumped off my bed excitedly, “Time for hair and makeup!”

            I laughed at her.

            “What?” She shrugged.

            “We’re getting excited to dress up for a party we’re not actually going to be partying in,” I chuckled.

            “Who says you can’t look hot while taking down the bad guys? And plus, it’s a great way to test Zach,” Maddy supposed, one of her eyebrows rising deviously.

            I narrowed my eyes disapprovingly. “We will do no such thing.”

            “Mhmm,” Maddy hummed, running to the bathroom while pulling me with her, “Whatever you say.”


            “Hold still, Jess,” Maddy whined.

            I giggled. “Sorry, I can’t help it. It tickles.”

            “Just give me one more sec… there finished.”

            Looking into the mirror, I examined what Maddy had done to my face. I was never really into makeup, but I must say, this is impressive. “Smokey eyes, right? I like it, Maddy, thank you!”

            She smiled wide. “Yup! The eye shadow is light, ‘cause I didn’t want it to be too much.”

            “It’s perfect,” both corners of my lips hitched up, “Okay, finish your makeup and I’ll do your hair!”

            Hopping up onto my bathroom counter, I grabbed my chapstick and lined it across my lips, giving my face a quick scan before hopping off again.  Maddy grabbed her eyeliner and began her work.

            “Taylor’s coming today, right?” Maddy asked, muffled words coming out of her open mouth as she dragged the eyeliner across the lid of her eye.

            My eyes widened. “Yeah, I’m not really looking forward to that.” I plugged the straightener in, giving it a few seconds to warm up as I rested my hip against the counter.

            “Why?” she asked.

            “I called her the other day to see if I could come visit, but she totally blew me off because Nicole was there. Joe felt really bad about it, so he offered to take me over there another, but what’s the point in that? After all of the stuff Nicole’s put her through, she still pushes me away for her. I know I have to be nice to her because of everything she’s been through, but I don’t want to be used by my friends anymore.”

             “Wasn’t she the one who wanted to make up with you?” Maddy sneered.

            I rolled my eyes, grasping the straightener tightly as I gently pulled it through her hair. “I give up on trying to understand people.”

            Maddy laughed, but before she could reply, her cell phone began to buzz. “Hey babe.”

 Whipping my arm back, I twisted the straightener down through Maddy’s hair to form a wave. It was a neat trick I had learned from Ivy before the city ball… before all hell broke loose. Reminiscently, I sighed, grabbing another piece of Maddy’s hair.

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