"Hello students, welcome another fun science lesson with your totally cool teacher, Mr. Hank." he dragged on in a boring tone which immediately made me realized he was being very sarcastic. "Now for this unit of study, we will be looking at isotopes and their effect o-"

This guy didn't look like he was on drugs. But heck, he probably needed them. His personality duller than anything I'd ever witnessed before. However, no matter how much I wanted to tune him our or fall asleep, I couldn't. I had to keep a closer eye on him, watching for anything that could help this case. Sadly, I had him for an entire two-hour session. I sighed as I straightened up and turned my attention to the front of the class.

He drawled on and on for what felt like a lifetime and when finally the bell rang two hours later, I nearly wept with joy. I lifted up my head realizing that I had almost fallen asleep listening to this guy despite my best efforts not to. Tasha got up and linked arms with me.

"Come on, let's go see Brad." She cooed, nudging me with her elbow.

During that entire lesson on antibiotics, I'd almost forgotten at Brad. I felt my stomach churn at the idea. This was going to be nerve wrecking.

He was just outside the room, sitting on a nearby bench with a look of disinterest.

"Hey Brad," Tasha greeted as we approached the bench.

"Hey," he said, looking up suspiciously. I'm guessing Tasha didn't talk to him much, or ever for that matter.

"Have you met Amanda yet?" Tasha asked, shoving me in front of her. It took me a second to realize I was Amanda. Was that name ever going to stick with me?

"Oh yeah, I bumped into you when leaving English yesterday," he said grinning at me. I gave a small smile back.

"Oh, would you look at the time I have to be somewhere for something. You two stay and chat, bye." Tasha said as she walked off quickly. I seriously hoped she wasn't taking Drama because that was the worst performance ever. Her obvious attempt to spring us together only made things weirder.

I awkwardly smiled at Brad. I wanted to shrivel up and die on the floor to avoid having this conversation with him.

"So, where are you from?" He asked in an attempt to start a conversation.

My smile faltered. Damn it. Where was I from again? Toronto, Chicago, Detroit, Texa- "L.A!" I said, loudly remembering. "I'm from L.A," I said more calmly.

"Cool," he replied. I nodded slowly and then we just sat there in silence, neither of us knowing what to say.

"So Amanda, tell me about yourself," he spoke with a glint in his eye. I hated this question.

"Uh, not really much to tell I guess," I responded with a shrug.

"Huh," He pushed his hair back with one hand. "I guess I'll have to find out more about you myself then,"

He was blatantly flirting with me. I tried to remain calm and prayed that my face wasn't reddening like the tomato I was. I'd never really been in this position before. I had no idea what to say or how to even flirt back with someone like him - or anyone for that matter. He was very attractive, but a part of him also made me feel uneasy. This whole interaction was making me feel uneasy.

After a moment's silence, I spoke up. "Well, I should get back to my friends then," I gestured down the hall to where the cafeteria was. "See you around, I guess?"

He smiled lightly. "I guess so."

I turned around letting out a sigh of relief as I walked away. That had not gone down the way I had planned it to. I thought I would have been able to easily have a conversation with him and know exactly what to say, but when the time had come, I was lost for words. Maybe I would have to recite some phrases in front of a mirror or something.

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