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*Jake's POV*

          Should I do it? Well... it's too late now. I'm in Ohio so.. I need to get going.. I guess. Condos... Condos... Condos... where are the condos? I looked around and went up to a tall man that seemed to be the nerdy version of Abraham Lincoln.

          "Sir, do you know where you can find condos??" I asked. He nodded and pointed a direction. Grier Mountain. I thank him and start heading that way. I look at my watch...
DA FUCK? ITS FIVE?! Forgot about the daylight here...

I knock on the first door. "Ma'am do you-" the door slams shut. Are these people on their periods or something?! The next door..
Grier LN, 19008. I hope this is the one...

I ring the door bell. I heard the lock rumbling and the door slowly opened. TESSA!

          "Welcome to McDonalds may I-" She rubbed her eyes and they widened "Jake...?"
"Hey... finally found you guys.. heh.." I smiled. She came out of the condo and closed the door behind her.
"Jake.. why the hell are you here?! Everyone moved away for a reason! And that's a certain reason." She whispered pointing at me
"I'm here for Alissa." I explained
"Well Alissa ain't here for you." She snapped. Ooh! Girlfriend! You got all of that sass!
"Look. I want to talk to her." I frowned. She sighed and looked down.
"Fine. I'll try my best." She turned around and walked back into the condo.

          I waited for a solid 10 minutes until the door rumbled. It was Alissa...
"A-alissa... I- uh.." Why am I so out of know where nervous? What happened to my confidence?!
"Jake... why did you come here when you clearly know that we don't want you here?" She asked
"Jake I don't have all day." She snapped "You know what. I don't have time for this!" She turned around to go inside and I grabbed her arm. "Let go!"
"No! No... Alissa.. I- I love you...ok?" I finally pushed those words out of my mouth
"I love you with all my heart. It's terrible living in the Team 10 house without you. Without.. all of you guys. Please come b-"

*Alissa's POV*

          My nightmare... has come to life. Should I tell him? Should I just say the exact same thing that happened in the dream? Good idea Alissa... good idea. Let's play hard 😏

          "Jake...." I interrupted "Y-you're too late." I tugged on my arm and ran back inside. Alissa, that was a bad idea...

a very... very bad idea..

What Now? || Jalissa [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now