Chapter 8

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So I was thinking about this book, and I started to think about how this book s kinda like a script of sorts. So for those of you who like this story so much, you can rp it. I'm giving permission for that. I mean, I'm obviously not gonna update soon considering I'm just out of motivation for the time being, so rp this. If you rp it, then you can make the story either end your way or whatever it is you crazy kids do these days. If you make an rp book, however, I do want some credit. And just for those who are passionate about writing and see potential with this book and wish to take it over, then all you have to do is comment a pun. This book will go to the human (warrior of despair) who comments the best pun. And it has to be original. I'm a bit apprehensive about giving this book away considering this was my first book that I started to write on an electronic device (granted it wasn't actually published until one or two years later, but still), but I've also lost motivation to write it. So I'm just gonna give it up. Plus it really really really isn't very fair to you guys that actually enjoy and have been demanding an update. See what happens when you don't bug me? Shit gets done. Anyway, have some pics I got from DeviantArt. I forgot who the original owners are, so just know that I don't own these. AT ALL. All credit goes where it is due. This little contest of mine will be going on from;
5/14/17 - 6/28/17
That gives y'all a little over a month.

Get started!! And remember,

К сожалению, это изображение не соответствует нашим правилам. Чтобы продолжить публикацию, пожалуйста, удалите изображение или загрузите другое.

Get started!! And remember,......

Get started!! And remember,

К сожалению, это изображение не соответствует нашим правилам. Чтобы продолжить публикацию, пожалуйста, удалите изображение или загрузите другое.



К сожалению, это изображение не соответствует нашим правилам. Чтобы продолжить публикацию, пожалуйста, удалите изображение или загрузите другое.

.....wait for it.....

pause for dramatic effect

К сожалению, это изображение не соответствует нашим правилам. Чтобы продолжить публикацию, пожалуйста, удалите изображение или загрузите другое.

....pause for dramatic effect.....

SPREAD DESPAIR!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAAGGAGAGAHAHAHAHAJAHAHAHSJSLSBKAGAHAHAHAHH *chokes on air and coughs from cackling* *clears throat* whoops~ got a bit

К сожалению, это изображение не соответствует нашим правилам. Чтобы продолжить публикацию, пожалуйста, удалите изображение или загрузите другое.

SPREAD DESPAIR!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAAGGAGAGAHAHAHAHAJAHAHAHSJSLSBKAGAHAHAHAHH *chokes on air and coughs from cackling* *clears throat* whoops~ got a bit....carried away there....I have a quick question for you all, what is your favorite (or one of your favorite) Junko quotes? Mine is, "Kamakura, Kamakura, yas queen!" I legit find myself saying this every now and then...

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