Chapter 3

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As soon as Temari leaves, Itachi comes in through the window.

Itachi: Hey.

Sakura: Hey.

Itachi: Why did you tell her?

Sakura: Because she is my friend, and friends don't keep secrets from each other. That's why.

Itachi: Sakura, would you like to come walk with me?

Sakura: Are you going to get caught?

Itachi: Nope.

Sakura: Ok. Come on.

Itachi: Ok. Let's go.

Their walking down the street and talking about random things.

Itachi: When you told me friends don't keep secrets from each other,

Sakura: (nods head)

itachi: Do you have any secrets?

Sakura: Yes. Do you?

Itachi: Yes. I'll tell you one of my biggest secrets if you tell me yours.

Sakura: Deal. You first.

Itachi: Ok. I never wanted to hurt Sasuke. I was trying to protect him from becoming like me, but I failed.

Sakura: You didn't fail him. Anyway, I always hated Sasuke. I only pretended to like him so that he would think I was annoying and never get to attached. My biggest secret is that I have the Ten Tails.

Itachi: Wow. Hey, can I ask you a question?

Sakura: You just did.

Itachi: You know what I mean. Anyway, why did you go on that date with that one kid? What was his name?

Sakura: Gaara?

Itachi; Yeah, him. Why?

Sakura: Because he looked really hopeful, and I hate to say no to people.

Itachi: So you were doing that to be nice?

Sakura: Yep. Besides, I like someone else.

Itachi: Who is it?

Sakura: Not telling.

Itachi: If I tell you who I like, will you tell me who you like?

Sakura: Sure. I'll tell you and then you tell me. Ok?

Itachi: Ok.

Sakura: You.

Itachi: You.

Sakura: Wait you like me? Since when?

Itachi: Since we first met. How long have you liked me?

Sakura: Same.

Itachi: Yeah. You are now my girlfriend.

Sakura: Ok.

The sun was starting to set.

Sakura: I have to go back soon. But I don't want to.

Itachi: Then why don't you just leave now?

Sakura: Because, then I won't be with you.

Itachi: Ok. Then come with me. Please?

Sakura: Ok. Just let me get my stuff.

Itachi: Why are you so willing to come with me now? A few days ago, you wanted to stay in Suna for a while.

Sakura: I'm board. So when are we leaving?

Itachi: Tonight. Now go get packed and get some sleep. We have a long ways to go.

Sakura: Ok.

Sakura made it back to the mansion and packed her stuff. Before she went to sleep, she left two notes. One for Temari and one for everyone else. After that she realized how tired she was and went to bed. The next morning before anyone woke up, Sakura was softly being shaken and someone saying her name.

Itachi: (softly shaking Sakura and saying her name to get her up) Sakura....Sakura....Sakura....

Sakura: (starting to wake up, but since she didn't want to, she groaned) Hmmmm.....Go away. I'm to tired to get up.

Itachi: Well we have to get back to base sometime. And you won't get there by sleeping. Now get up.

Sakura: No.

Itachi: I see you're not a morning person -

Sakura: Nawwwww......What gave you that idea? (hint the sarcasm in her voice)

Itachi: Would you let me finish what I was going to say?

Sakura: .......

Itachi: Good. Now as I was saying before, how about I carry you there, till you're completely awake, if you get up and get dressed. Ok? Then you can go back to sleep.

Sakura: ....Deal.

After Sakura got up and got dressed she went back to bed. Itachi just chuckles, picks her up and went out the window.

Sakura: Are we there yet?

Itachi: No. We're almost there.

Sakura: *yawn* Ok.

Itachi; Go back to sleep.

Sakura: Ok.

The Weasel and the CherryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora