t h r e e » tryston

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     We stayed for a whole week in the garden house, the only time leaving it and going into the house being when nature called late at night or when Spencer went to get the necessities; but never for anything else. Being crammed in the little room for the third time in a month was hell - especially being stuck with Gordon and Jaelon. Sometimes I had to look around the tiny area to make sure Spencer was there; he has always been silent. As for Gordon, he made it his full-time job to blabber on and on about this girl he 'met' at the bakery. Really, the only things she told him were:

     1- How may I help you?"

     2- "That'll be ten dollars and fifty cents."

     3- "Here's your change, sir."

     And that was it.

     But Gordon - being Gordon - was already under her clothes mentally. And it pained as he went on and on about each feature for more than five times, drooling over a girl who only smiled at him because she was being paid to.

     Anyways, it was a Friday when Cameron flung the door open - as far as it can be flung due to the garden supplies crammed in the corner - and told us - rather unenthusiastically - that the police had moved onto another story and we could go back to the house. Still, we had to keep safe; you never know. 

     The school day was over as we got permission into the house at five in the afternoon, and it bored me to death knowing that I couldn't see Adriana Warren for another two days. Just like Gordon, a few words and I fell head over heels for that girl. Unlike Gordon, I decided to keep it for myself for a little while.

     However, as I lay in bed that Friday night, listening to all the music that was transferred from passing-cars' stereos, I couldn't help but think of her perfect brown locks as they swung from one shoulder to another as she walked. Her perfectly straight back, her tiny fingers wrapped around the pen as she bobbed it obnoxiously against the table, the way her eyes showed defiance every time I tried to get a little bit closer to the core. Just a little inch.

     I turned onto my side, tucking my hands under my right ear.

     She was beautiful inside out and I just... wasn't.

     And I was scared. I was so scared. I was so scared because I knew she was scared; scared from who she knew me as. Under her layers of skin and flesh lay fear from who I was to her eyes, and no matter how confident she might try to act, I just knew. I just knew because many tried to catch the specks of fire with their hands and got burned in the end.


     I didn't know that I had fallen asleep until my alarm unexpectedly went off. Usually, I'd ignore it and wait for Jaelon to wake me up ten minutes later, but the fact that it went off on a Saturday made me jolt awake. I ran my hands feverishly across my face as I cussed under my breath, knowing that I had forgotten to turn it off the previous night. Shutting it up and placing it back onto the table by my bedside, I threw myself onto the pillow once more. But a few tosses and a few turns were all that it took for me to realize that I couldn't fall back asleep. So, I went out of bed, tugging at my shirts' sleeves because of the piercing cold.

     Hopping from one leg to the other, I made my way to my slippers lying behind the door. I, then, made my way to the door and twisted it open. The hallway was dark and silent, just the way it's supposed to be at fifteen to seven a.m. I let out a sigh, going down the stairs, one at a time. I hissed once I missed a step and almost fell, regaining my balance as I hung onto the rail. It was too early for my brain to function, but no way in hell was I getting some sleep.

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