Stupid Fights- Thorin x Reader

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~Y/N Pov~
We had finally reclaimed the kingdom of Erebor. This wasn't my true home but I didn't have anywhere else to go at the moment and the Dwarves were kind enough to let me stay for awhile. Besides they needed help rebuilding the kingdom. Thorin had been running around ever since we got here trying to get everything in order. He was running on so little sleep and you would know since i would awake at night to your boyfriend climbing into bed late at night. He would be gone when I woke up in the morning. I decided to cook his favorite meal for him since he was under so much pressure. It would be good for him so you set off to the kitchens and began your preparations. Later on that evening you had a 5-star meal ready for him. I had even set up a table in his chambers just for you two. Finally you fixed yourself up then went to find him.
He was in the throne room negotiating with some fellow dwarves at the moment so you stayed off to the side until he finished. Once the other dwarves left he acknowledged my presence.
"Hello, dear. What is it that you need?" He spoke rather curtly.

I brushed it off, " Could you please come to our room. There is something I wish to show you."

"Not now. I am really busy."

"But Thorin, please this is important."

"I said not now!" His voice rose.

"Thorin you can't keep doing this to yourself. You're going to run out of energy eventually." I replied trying to keep my words steady, but firm.

"Y/n, I have no choice! This is my kingdom and I have to maintain it!"

Now it was you're turn to get angry," You have been working without break! The others would surely understand if you took a short break!"

"It's my responsibility! This is the end of this conversation!" His words were harsh and stung.

I turned away and stormed off.

~Thorin's POV~
I sighed. I really didn't mean to upset her. She is right. I've been way too stressed lately; maybe I do need to take some time off. I trudge to my room and open the door. There is a small table set up with my favorite meal. She must have made this for me... I glide over to the table and sit. Slowly I start to eat and I savor every bite. When I'm done I walk over to the bed and fall into it, going to sleep almost instantly.
I'm so sorry this took so long. Honestly I just completely forgot about the request. So I'm truly sorry @Female_Kylo . I'll probably make another part to this where they make up. I hope this meets your expectations and have a great week love. Thank you for reading my lovelies!💘💘💘💘💘

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