Thorin x Reader

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***This is set after the Battle of the Five Armies and everyone is alive.

~Y/N's POV~
I walked along the corridors of the newly reclaimed stronghold. Torches lined the walls and quite a few others filled the halls. Many of which were dwarves. I continued walking because I preferred the quite. Soon the voices died away and I came across the small brook that ran inside the castle. Crossing a small bridge, I walked onto the little island that housed the only greenery inside the walls of Erebor. As I went to sit down, I noticed someone leaning against the large willow in the centre of the island.
"Thorin?" I inquired.
The person woke with a start and when he looked up at me I realised it was actually Thorin.
"Yes?" He replied.
" I just am surprised to find you here instead of doing work. I mean with the new kingdom being restored..." I trailed off.
"Well I am afraid I must confess it is getting increasingly stressful to maintain Erebor. I am getting little sleep and am constantly working during the day.As much as I hate to admit it, you're the only person I've told." He sighed.
"I think you're one of the few that can do it,Thorin. Not many people are a natural leader like you."
"Thank you." He got up," I must be off. Good day."
"Alright, you know I'm always here if you need me." I smiled sympathetically.
He reciprocated the smile and nodded. Then he left and I watched his retreating back until I couldn't see him anymore.

-Time Skip-
I tiptoed down the hall. Of course, as every night, I couldn't sleep. My past wouldn't allow it. I stumbled along the corridor using the wall as a guide. After a while, I determined I was utterly lost. I sat down and sighed hopelessly.
"Y/n?" A deep voice called out from the dark.
I jerked my head up to see Thorin.
"Oh, hi." I mumbled.
"What are you doing up?"
"I just couldn't sleep and I.. uh.. kinda got lost while wandering around. What about you?"
"I couldn't sleep either."
A calming silence veiled us. I felt him slid down the wall and sit beside me.
"(Y/n), I... I really like you." He seemed hesitant.
I grinned." Thorin, I like you too. I've liked you since the Journey began." My mind wandered back to all the little glances at each other, the conversations, and how you always stayed close to each other in battle.
He exhaled loudly, then let out a little chuckle.
"And to think I was so scared of what you would say."
You let out a giggle of your own.
"Do you want to come back to my room?" He asked.
You both walked in silence until you reached his room. You got into one side of the huge bed with him climbing in shortly after. A minute later, you felt a pair of strong arms snake around your waist. You snuggled into his chest. That was the best sleep you had had in a while.

Thanks for reading :) I actually updated on time this week and it's somewhat decent. Please comment suggestions and ideas below. I really appreciate the support and have a nice day my lovelies!💘💘💘

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