Legolas x Reader

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(y/n)'s POV

I lie on the cot feeling my life slowly leave me. A warm hand covered my freezing one; I knew who it was, Legolas. You two had been fighting against the gaint spiders that threatened to conquer our forest. What happened...


Legolas and I raced through the forest as we had done so many times before. We were on a mission this time though. The king had requested that we fight the rapidly growing arachnid population. We had fought much worse before so it seemed like an easy mission. It was only Legolas and me because we were expert warriors and besides there couldn't be that many of them, but god were we wrong. The both of us came to a halt a little ways from the nest; the spiders crawled in swarms. Legolas turned to give me a soft peck before he gave the signal to attack. I grabbed an arrow from my back and let it fly watching as it hit its' target. The spiders now were aware of our prescene and left no mercy as they surrounded us. We both were shooting arrows fiercly and multiple were dropping dead, yet it seemed the numbers would never end. I saw a spider begin to sneak up behind Legolas and turned my attention to it. Luckily I was able to kill it and Legolas turned to me smiling before his eyes grew wide and screamed my name. I felt a sharp object pierce my flesh and black dots consumed my vision. The last thing I saw was Legolas sprinting toward me.

<End of Flashback>

My eyes fluttered open. My boyfriend say beside me with silent tears running down his face.

"y/n..." his voice was a quiet whisper.

"Hey. Are you okay?" I questioned

He chuckled, " Only you would ask me that in this situation."

"Well I have to be a good girlfriend,right?"

He gave a soft smile, " Everything is going to be alright, okay?"

"We both know it's not, Legolas."

A short silence consumed us.

"Just promise me that you will keep living. Do not let my death change who you are."

Legolas waited a second before speaking. "Okay. I promise."

He leaned down and kissed my chapped lips. It was soft and full of love. Soon I pulled away.

" I love you." I whispered before I let the death take me.

Legolas's tears began again, " I love you, too. I will see you again some day."


Sorry about the long time between updates, but hey better late than never. Hope you enjoyed even though this was really sad. Also thank you for all the votes and reads! It really means a lot to me. I will update again soon my lovelies!  

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