Thorin x Reader

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A Request from awesomegecko : The arrival to Rivendell.( I hope this is what you had in mind sorry if not.)

Y/n's POV
Footsteps. That's all I had heard for the past hour. The mountain walls replayed the sound like a broken record. Suddenly there was silence and I jerked my head  up to see what had caused the abrupt stop. Ahead lay a glistening white city with a waterfall cascading down one side. Rivendell. My mouth worked of its own accord and turned upward into a grin. Softly I heard Thorin in the background arguing about going into Rivendell then Gandalf convincing him that he had no other chose. We crossed the bridge into the Eleven Kingdom and was met with Lord Elrond.
"What do you want entering my Kingdom, Dwarves?" Questioned Elrond.
Thorin spoke up, " We need shelter, rest, and food, Lord Elrond. We are on a quest to reclaim Erebor."
Thorin was polite, but I could tell his voice was strained. Elrond lead the way to a large sitting area where we were served the most delicious meal I had had in weeks. Although, truth be told, almost anything was better than bread, nuts, and berries. Chat fluttered through the air and laughter occasionally rose over the chatter. It was a nice change of pace but I couldn't help notice Thorin didn't seem to be enjoying himself. I decided to worry about it later and continued my meal yet it kept nagging at the back of my mind.

~Time skip~
I toss and turned in my bed that was so generously offered by the elves. Sighing, my feet made contact with the floor and I padded out into the cool night. A lone figure stood staring over the balcony that held an amazing view of the kingdom. I recognised him immediately,
"Thorin, are you alright?" I questioned while leaning over the balcony beside him.
He jumped silently.
"Oh, (y/n),", he let out a sigh," Not really. I hate asking the Elves for help and I'm really stressed about Erebor. What if I lose everyone before we get there. My greed will have caused the death of them all. It will be my fault and it's just... I'm sorry."
"Thorin, there's no need to apologise. You have every right to be stressed, but just know that you are a great leader and I'm sure everyone would be ready to give their lives for you. Of course they aren't going to die though. They're all skilled warriors." I placed my hand on his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him.
"Thank you,(y/n)." He turned to look at me.
"You know I'm really grateful for everything that you've done along the way and.... I have feeing for you." He spoke quietly.
"Thorin", I whispered.
The gap between us that had been continuously getting smaller closed. His beard tickled my chin and his lips were soft against mine. He pulled away with his hand still on my cheek.
"I think I have feelings for you too, Thorin Oakenshield."
Well yeah. Sorry that was crap, I don't really know where I was going with it. Also sorry it took me so long to finish the request. Anyways thanks for reading my lovelies. See you soon.😘😘

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