Chapter 23: Jess and Adam's Plan (P4)

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A/n (DJ): Before I begin, I would like to thank you guys who left a nice comment! I love all of you so fucking much and hearing that my stupid ass books make your day just makes my whole week! I read the comments while I has in the hospital and I began crying. The nurses started worrying but I told them that you guys were being amazing. (69 words ;)) I'm feeling a little better now but I'm still in the hospital. I have to go the therapy which sucks ass but at least I can still write! I'm going to try to write a chapter every week a d have Drunkie write every other day. I'm not sure if it will work but it's worth a shot! Skipup03 wrote a very important message that made Drunkie and I cry too. I suggest you go check it out! The book is called "Our Little Guardian Angel (Adopted By Mithzan Fanfiction)" and the chapter is called "PLEASE READ" I also suggest reading the while book because Drunkie loves it and I'm about to read it! I'm going to begin writing! Remember when life gives you throw it at people!

P.s. Download Adam's music on SoundCloud!

~Adam's POV~

I walked out of the room and over to where (Y/n) was sleeping on Red. The sight of it angered me.

Something I didn't notice when we walked in was that (Y/n) was bandages around her head. Now I was really angry.

I went over right beside the two and screamed in their ear. "WAKE UP, YOU ASSHOLES!"

The two jolted awake and my sister fell off of Red, onto the floor.

"Ow.. Shit. What the hell?!" (Y/n) groaned and held her sides.

"Fuck, you okay, (Y/n)?" Red jumped up and helped my sister back onto the couch. She was limping.

"Okay, one, what the hell happened?! Two, where are your pants, sis?! Three, why were you sleeping on Red?! Four, why was Max tied up?! Lastly, five, why is there a huge puddle of blood and  shattered glass in the kitchen?!" I yelled at the two, who were getting used to the lights and me yelling. (Y/n) stood up and got in mg face.

"Okay, first, I'm going to need you to calm your ass down or else I'm gonna mad and one of us is going to leave with a black eye." My sister threatened.

Red smiled at (Y/n)'s comeback and I was just shocked.

"Here, I'll explain so you won't beat the shit out of Adam." Red said and put his on (Y/n)'s shoulder to calm her down. She sat back down on the bed. He took a deep breath and began explaining as I stood there with my arms crossed and angry.

About 10 minutes later he explained that Lily and (Y/n) got into a fight. (A/n: You already read what happened so I won't explain it all.) Then he said that they bandaged my sister's legs because the glass cut them when she fell on the floor, so she couldn't wear pants. Also, Red and (Y/n) were sitting next to each other and must've cuddled in their sleep? I began to calm my ass down as Red explained.

"So, don't get your panties in a twist." My sister said angrily.

"Okay, I'm sorry I assumed shit. But damn, you had a cruel ass plan. You locked Max in the closet and tortured him!" I yelled. I was honestly pissed at my sister. How could she torture one of her coworkers?

"Yeah? Well, I'm not sorry. He can kiss my ass for all I care! Adam, you don't get how much we hate each other!" She yelled and tried to stand up but fell back onto the couch in pain then groaned.

I looked down at my feet and sighed then heard feet. My eyes looked up and Max and Jess were in the room.

"Adam, you need to chill. Remember what Max and I literally just told you 15 minutes ago?" Jess whispered.

I sighed again, "Yeah, call Ross. He needs to be here just in case I make my sister mad." I whispered back, we made sure the others couldn't hear us.

"Adam, can I leave now?" Max groaned.

"No, you're gonna sit here with (Y/n) and make up!" Jess replied. She meant business. No joking around with Boss.


"No if, ands, or buts about it!" Jess yelled.

She then drug my sister and Max into (Y/n)'s office and locked them in there by putting a chair under the doorknob and put ducktape all over it.

"HEY! WHAT THE HELL!?" Man yelled and beat on the window.

"DON'T LOCK ME IN HERE WITH THIS ASSHOLE!" My sister yelled and wiggled the doorknob but didn't get it opened.

"You can't come out until you make up!" Jess said.

Maybe this wasn't a good idea. Or maybe it was.

(840 words)

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