Chapter 7 - Leaving

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~Max's POV~

I turned around and looked at Ross. "Do you really think (Y/n) slept with me?! I told you we still had our underwear on! Adam and Tim we're picking on us by saying they heard us!" I hour my hands on my hips.

"Well I didn't know! I just woke up to Adam saying (Y/n) slept with you!" He defended.

"You didn't even give anyone a chance to explain!" Adam yelled.

"What would you do if you woke up to someone say Alesa slept with another dude?!" Ross asked.

We heard the closing of a door, (Y/n)'s door. She was walking out with her stuff.

"SIS! Please don't leave!" Adam begged.

She sighed. "Bro, I have to. I'm loosing subscribers every minute. Modeling is still my career. I was at 2 million when I got her and now I'm at a million. No one is listening. Hey, ask Ross. He won't listen either. I love you, Adam and I'll see you in a couple months." She smiled and walked out towards the door but Adam grabbed her wrist.


"I have to quit YouTube for a while because no one is believing me. I told you I'm loosing subscribers and loosing money. I'm not broke yet but I will be. So, I'm going back to modeling. You'll see me on TV in three days so don't worry. And I'll text you my address." She hugged Adam.

Before she left Red, Barney, Cory, Tim and Em ran across the office and tackled her in a hug. "WHO THE HELL FUCKING SAID YOU'RE LEAVING WITHOUT GIVING ME A HUG?!" Em yelled.

(Y/n) laughed. "My subscribers."

"You dirts! What's about me's?!" Barney asked in his fake accent.

"Fuck you Barney! What about me?!" Cory asked.

"We all know I'm her favorite!" Tim yelled.

"BITCH please! I'm her favorite!" Red yelled.

(Y/n) just laughed. Her pearly white shined in the light. He beautiful skin looked amazing. Em says she doesn't wear makeup.

"Aww, you think you're my favorite!" (Y/n) laughed.

"HEY!" Red yelled.

"Em is the only girl here so she's my favorite." She smiled and wrapped her arms around Em.

"HA! SUCK IT BITCH!" Em yelled and wrapped her arms around (Y/n).

"Okay, okay, okay. I love you guys but I' have to get ready for my flight!" (Y/n) said and tried to break free from their grasp.


"I'm going to Utah for 2 weeks. That's where the modeling agency is located." She frowned.

"Okay.." Adam frowned.

"I'll see you later, my office family!" She began walking but stopped. "Oh and bye fagot~" She smiled at me.

"Bye bitch~" I replied and watched her sashay out the door.

"She's gone..." Adam cried.

"Aw, Adam she'll be back! We'll see her on TV too!" Red comforted Adam.

"Be happy for you're hot sister! She's a model for God's sake!" Em pointed out.

"At least she got the good looks." Adam laughed.

"How come she told you bye?! Why don't I get a goodbye?!" Ross pouted.

"You broke up with her and tweeted that she slept with Max! You made her chances of staying go down!" Tim yelled.

"You guys can call beat up Ross. I'm going to record." I said and walked to my office.

~Ross' POV~

"I fucked up.." I said and out my head in my hands.

"You did." Red replied.

"Fuck, I'm stupid.." I mumbled.

"You are." Barney replied.


"We're not trying to!" Em said back.

'I really fucked up.'

(612 words)

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