Chapter 16: Ugh, ADAM!

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(A/n: I'm not sure if this chappie will be as good since I tried really hard to get it out as fast as I could. Sorry.)

I pulled the piece if paper from my pocket and read it out loud.

"Roses are red, violets are blue, go to hell, I hate you." I read and put the piece of paper back in my pocket. I stood there, waiting for her to laugh but she didn't.

"Better luck next time, asshat." She spat with an annoyed look. But her eyes showed a different expression. They weren't as bright as they used to be.

"Geez Max, talk about rude." Adam scoffed. I didn't say anything because I was thinking. I just sat down and Adam went up.

"Okay sis, you're going to laugh so prepare yourself." He smiled.

~Adam's POV~

I smiled at (Y/n) buy all I got was an annoyed expression. I sighed and pulled out my phone to show her a picture. "Remember this?"

She paused to look at it

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

She paused to look at it. "Yeah..that was the Senior dance.." Sis replied.

I nodded. "And what did I tell you before you left with Jess?" (Y/n) and Jess went to the same high school. They are complete opposites so I don't know how they became friends.

"Adam don't.." She warned with a smile. I knew she was about to crack.

"I said.." I started with a smile.

"Adam! Don't." She replied.

"I told many how cock's you can raise.." I continued.

"'ll still be a city girl, not a farm girl.." I finished.

Everyone started bursting out laughing and (Y/n) growled. I thought she would laugh but never mind.

"True.." I heard Ross mumble, I didn't point it out.

We continued and finished the episode and as soon as we did, (Y/n) ran into her office with no warning.

'My sister sure is something.'

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