Stuck inside this box

Start from the beginning

"Hey guys, I'll be singing I'm addicted to you by the lovely Avicii" I introduced myself. I stood up and started to hum. Slowly I began to sing the lyrics before hitting the chorus and giving my voice a little strength. I sang my heart out and gave it all I had. Cheers erupted around me and I sang louder and clearer. "I'm addicted to you!" I finished and the crowd went wild. Literally. People stood up on tables and some ran to the stage and waved their hands frantically. I laughed. This was so surreal. I looked at Nate and he had a really big smile on his face. I smiled back at him before starting to speak with my fans. "Does your mum sing?" One asked and I chuckled. "Nah, just me" I replied and he nodded. It went like that for about 15 minutes before they cleared out. I was walking to our table when I saw a girl sitting in my spot. She was giggling and touching Nate's shoulder. He had a strained smile on his face and I noticed why. She was wearing the shortest shorts ever. They looked like they'd be considered underwear. And a crop top that lifted her cleavage which was on full display. It kind of made me sad how desperate girls are for attention. I walked towards them. "Hello" I greeted and Nate nodded at me. "Oh my! You're so amazingly talented I'm jealous! And you're so pretty too you're like perfect!" The girl gushed and I felt my cheeks go hot. I wasn't used to these kind of compliments from anyone. "Thankyou darling" I replied and she smiled. No one said anything for a bit and I just stood there awkwardly. "So do you want to?" The girl questioned turning back to face Nate. Nate looked a little bit awkward and I knew he didn't want to do whatever she had intended to. "Nate c'mon mum wants us home" I cut in before smiling at the girl. She had got up and rolled her eyes at me before walking the opposite direction. I felt bad because I hadn't meant to come off as bitchy. Nate stood up and hugged me. "Life saver" he breathed and I patted his back laughing.

Once we were at home I parted ways with Nate and went upstairs to my bedroom. I changed into my pajamas before snuggling into my covers. I stayed up on my phone for about half an hour before dozing off. I dreamt of a big castle and a beautiful dress. I would dream of myself wearing the dress walking down the big stairs. My dreams portrayed my real goals. Not exactly. I wanted to be successful. I wanted a big house and I wanted to be beautiful. I hope one day I could fulfill my dreams. Not for me alone but for my family. The next morning I woke up startled. It wasn't exactly sunrise yet, my phone was blurting my ringtone and it had woke me. I turned towards it and tapped the screen. The bright light shone on my still sleepy eyes and I squinted. Luca's name was displayed on the screen and I groaned. My phone stopped ringing and for a second I almost fell asleep in the quiet. Then it started to ring again. And if it was loud before it sounded even louder now somehow. I picked up the phone and mumbled a hello. "Cam sorry to wake you but could you by any chance come open the front door for me?" I heard Luca's rushed voice whisper. I shut without replying and stumbled out of bed almost losing my balance. I walked groggily down the stairs trying not to make too much noise. I walked slowly to the front doors and opened it ever so slightly. I peaked out and saw nothing. I was about to close it when a foot jammed it from the bottom preventing it to close. I moved back and watched as Luca and Anthony came into the house. I crossed my arms at them and accused, "what are you doing at 3:30 a.m that has gotten you to sneak back in here?"

Luca had taken us back up to his room and was explaining how they had gotten kicked out of a night club and Anthony had lost his house keys. I was so tired but I wanted them to know that they can't just wake me up whenever they need something. I stood up with an intimidating posture and leaned my head in slowly. "If you guys ever. I mean ever. Wake me up for something stupid like this... I will poison your food" I threatened them and they both gulped. "Get yourself a house key idiot" I spat at Luca and walked out of his room towards mine. I was in my bed thinking about what had just happened. I felt bad for being so rude but I couldn't help it. I was still angry at his little tantrum he had in his room that had me cleaning for hours. Instead of dealing with whatever he was going through like an adult he threw a fit! Some mature adult huh? I decided to confront him about it tomorrow when I wasn't so tired. Right now, I just needed sleep.

During the day I ignored Luca and Anthony as much as possible. I was still angry at Luca and I didn't want to lash out at him in front of Anthony. I had been waiting for this moment the whole day, the second Anthony left I stomped over to Luca. "Why?" I asked. "You gotta be a little more specific if you want me to answer you" Luca answered me sitting down and grabbed the tv remote. I snatched it off him and sat down. "Why did you leave your room in that state?" I questioned. "You went into my room" He said suspiciously. "Yeah well I wanted to know um why you know.. " I mumbled unable to speak properly. He raised his eyebrows questioningly. "Never mind that, why did you throw a fit?" I returned back to the subject. He hesitated before turning to face me. "I was looking for a box of my mothers belongings that I took with me when I found out she had died" he explained sadly. I looked at his sad eyes and I gulped. I took his hand hesitantly and he looked up at me. "I can help you look for it if you'd like" I offered. He nodded his head. We both walked up the stairs to his bedroom and started to look for this box. It has been around 20 minutes and still no box to be found. "Where could it have gone?" I mumbled to myself. I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings and accidentally tripped over his laundry basket. Luca turned around and chuckled at the sight of me. I groaned and held my hand out for him to help me up. He walked towards me and put his hand in mine. I curled my fingers around his. He pulled me up with a little too much force and we ended up mere inches apart. I stared at his freckles and admired the way they made his face look a little young. I noticed his eyes flutter to my lips and I almost choked. He leaned in slowly and I knew he was going in for the kill. I thought for second if I should kiss him. I decided for it and leaned In as well. Just as our lips were going to meet the door flung open. We pulled back and stared at the wide eyed Cynthia. "Well this is interesting" she said as she crossed her arms against her chest.

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