Chapter 1 - The arrival

Start from the beginning

In front of one of them was a black Hyundai Genesis, with the driver's door open, and a blue shirted gentleman sitting in, coming down as soon as he spotted the travelers.

The family approached the roadside, followed by the truck. The gentleman, in his sweaty shirt, got out of his vehicle and met them. Robert and Anna did the same thing, followed by Jasmine and Finn, who was looking forward to getting off and running a bit around, beginning to sniff everything and also fulfilling his own needs.

"Mr. Hatefield, Mrs. Hatefield! Happy to see you again!" He exclaimed with a smile of thirty-two teeth, clasping his hands to the two.

"Our pleasure, Ian" Her father replied for both. She immediately realized that he was the agent of the agency responsible for dealing with them.

"And this beautiful girl has to be your daughter, right?" He reached out to Jasmine "Ian Blake, pleased."

"Jasmine, happy to know you" She replied, clutching her hand, pulling out the best smile she could. She was not very inclined to meeting new people.

Meanwhile, the two truck drivers, Dan and Jack, also reached them. After a quick presentation, Ian announced that the truck would not be able to get to the house, because then it would not have the space required for the maneuver to go back. They then decided, on Ian's advice, to rent a van and make more trips. The agency would have contributed to the expense since they had forgotten to warn them of this problem in time and Ian had already been informed about the van. He pulled out the phone and made a call, soon the van would had come. Throughout the time Jasmine had kept looking around, scrutinizing every meter of the surrounding forest, searching for signs of someone from outside her group. She was not worried about the possible presence of a serial killer who was watching them, indeed she was curious to find out if he really was there. Of course she was not so stupid to go looking for him openly, but she would have been allowed a walk in the woods, right?

Ian noticed this constant looking around of the girl, just like everybody else, who occasionally turned to check. The estate agent seemed the worst, but he did not say anything about it. He absolutely must be able to sell that house. No one had managed to sell it. As soon as people found out where it were, they all categorically refused. If he succeeded in the business, Ian was sure he would get a good raise and the esteem of his boss.

"What about going to see the house? It will take a while before the van arrives." He said at one point.

At those words, Jasmine lit up, turning to her parents, waiting for a "Yes" that was fast to arrive. They then climbed into the cars and left Dan and Jack ready to make the first voyage if the van had arrived before their return.

Ian opened the way and they were behind him. The road was all right if we did not count some slight curvatures. In two minutes they came in front of the house, very different from the apartment they had lived in Columbus.

The outer lining was painted in white, while the window frames was in light gray, like the shutters and the entrance door. The roof tiles were instead of a darker gray. Next to the house, to the left, there was a garage of the same colors. The two cars parked one behind the other, leaving some space for the van. Indeed the space in which the house was located left a few meters free all around it, before re-transforming into the forest. They left the cars and immediately Ian got up the three steps in front of the entrance door, right at the center of the porch. He pulled a bunch of keys out of his pocket and opened the door, letting the new owners go in first. Jasmine took a few seconds to enjoy the view of the house and the forest and could not hold a smile. As she climbed up the steps, with Finn alongside, she was glad that the front door had no windows but only the spy. She was very jealous of her privacy, just like her mother. The two windows at the sides of the door did not bother her, it would have been enough to put curtains.

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