Chapter 3

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   When we got home I said ' Mom why are you arranging me to a boy I dont even knew?' I ask 'we are having partnership and we plan to arranged you two' my mom said, I just groan and went to my room...

Then someone texted me....

Hi Yn.

How did he know my number?

How did you know my number??
- Yn

Well you're parents gave me.

What do you want why did you text me anyways?

Well im. Just saying don't fall for me

Why would I fall for you I know you're a PLAYBOY

Ouch. Your to harsh well are ypu agreeing to the marriage?

Well I have no choice my parents are saying if I don't I will be removed being my brother's assistant. How bout you do you agree?

Yes my parents will remove me aswell as the CEO.

Oh... BTW I'll go now bye
- Yn


      Well we are both arranged at all
Then I went to sleep...


When I woke shower then I did a light make up and got dressed


    Then I drove to tge company when I arrived one staff told me that I was calledby my parents on the meeting room

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    Then I drove to tge company when I arrived one staff told me that I was calledby my parents on the meeting room.....

          //Meeting Room//

   ' so what are you going to say mom?'
I ask ' you're weddjng is in 4 days...' 4 days?! ' what?! ' 'yes and we will look for you're gown tomorrow

  ugh!  Why did I even?

' but mo-' ' I told you no buts'my mom cut me off

      // Fast Forward 'Tomorrow' //

  we went to the mall with my mom and Jimin with his mom we enter this store and I feet some gown I pick one

  we went to the mall with my mom and Jimin with his mom we enter this store and I feet some gown I pick one

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     After we boughtthe gown we went home....

     //Fast Forward 'Wedding'//

Today is my wedding and my make up artist is dkne doing my make over then someone knocks

Then mom entered 'my baby is already getting married ' then she starts to cry ' Mom don't cry you're going to ruin you're look' I said 'lets go everyone is waiting for us'

  fast forward

    ' do you Jimin take Yn Wu as you're lovely wife in sickness and in health in death to as part? '

Jimin: I do

   ' do you Yn take Park Jimin as you're lovely husband in sickness and in health in death to as part?'


    ' you may now kiss the bride' then he leen closer to me and peck my lips
Then everyone is clapping at us then our parents came to us ' congratulations Darling!' my mom said  then time passed they gave us our house key and we went home

   //At the house//

We enter and then Jimin said ' well I will tell you something ' he said ' what is it?' ' I have a girlfriend ok?' I got shock because he agreed to a marriage when he haf a girlfriend
' if you have a girlfriend then why did you agree!? Gosh I can't believe I got married to a boy who has a girlfriend ' I said ' please don't tell my parents neither yours that we are still dating '
' and why I don't like to have a husband who loves someone else ok?'

  Then I went to my room crying

In the morning

I woke up I slept on the other room because I don't like to sleep with him I made breakfast then someone talked

' and remember don't FALL for me'
' like I would FALL to you' I said back

' you know...' I said ' what? ' he ask
' why just don't you say to your parents that you're dating? ' ' well because I don't want to be removed being a CEO in the company' he said

' and btw you're going to clean the house ' ' are you going to make me as you're maid?' ' well yeah because to me you're not MY wife'

Somewhat I felt hurt am I falling for him?.......

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