Chapter 47

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Kyara's POV

I had a two week personal break and I'm so sad about it that it is officially over. Why world why is personal break over? Okay I know I'm being dramatic, but it is true my personal break is officially over.  

During my break I was debating if I should audition for a movie and today I decided hey why the hell not. So lets hope that their is a movie that catches my eye and audition for it. 

So I was watching a movie with my girls and all of a sudden I got a call from a director. This director was working with Disney. Okay I have a couple of questions one why is Disney studios calling me?  Two do they actually know me or what?

Anyways he asked me if I was interested for auditioning for the live action Snow White and the Sevens Dwarfs. I told him that I was very interested to audition for Snow White.

He told me to come in some time week to audition for the role. I thanked him and hung up my phone and that's when I jumped off the couch and started screaming with joy.

The girls were very concerned of why I was screaming with joy while the boys came running in and asked me what was wrong. I told them that I was fine, but I had very exciting news that they would start jumping with joy.

So I told everyone why I was screaming and next thing I know I am tackled down on the ground by the girls. I did tweet later on that I had a big audition this week and all my fans were commenting that they were very proud of me. 

So later on that night we just decided to have night out for dinner to honor my audition for Snow White. The next day was the day I audition for my first ever movie role which I hope to god I get this part. 

I arrived at the studio that they told me to be at and to be honest right now I am so damn nervous. I had waited for at least to a hour to a hour and a  half to audition and I am literally scared that I might leave.

Again like I said before that I am beyond nervous to audition for my favorite Disney princess movie. Like who else wouldn't be nervous audition for their first ever movie. I did however had some relaxing tips from Ross about auditioning for either a movie or TV show. Which by the way were helpful just saying.

I went into the casting room and I saw the director, the producer, and the casting director in the same room. They asked me to read a few lines and sing 'Someday my Prince Will Come.' and that's what I did. 

After I said my lines and sang Someday My Prince Will Come they absolutely loved it and they even gave a standing ovation. I did start crying a few tears with pure happiness. The directors and producer said that they would call me if I would make callbacks. 

Which mostly will happen, because I did see the director cry as I was singing the classic song. I left the building after saying goodbye and shaking their hands. 

I drove off the studio parking lot and to Starbucks to get me some coffee. Hey don't judge me I didn't wake up around 8 A.M. and I didn't have time to get my favorite Starbucks drink this morning. 

Anyways I ordered my favorite drink aka a Jiva Chip aka the best drink ever.(A/N Thank you Skyler for getting me into it back in October.) I left Starbucks and went straight home where my friends and wonderful boyfriend is. 

A/N Hey my lovelies its your favorite person in the entire planet ever. Sadly as you can tell this fan fiction is coming to an end. Hey dont throw that coffee mug at me i have something to say *Ducks for cover.* Anyways as I was trying to say there will be a squeal sometime next month or July. Remember to vote and comment as always. xoxoxo ~Kyara A. 

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