Chapter 22

22 1 0

Skyler's POV

So Rydel checked us in for our hotel rooms which everyone knew besides Kyara because we kind wanted to surprise her because she's an amazing friend like duh.

When Rydel checked in we decided to see our rooms before we went to Disneyland. Rydel said that each couple has their own room and Savannah is sharing a room with Rydellington.

Thanks Delly for being awesome and coming up with this awesome plan. Riker laid our suitcases on the bed.

Rydel texted us saying that we are going to Disneyland that we will be leaving around 3 P.M. Because Ellington is tired from driving. 

I reply back saying 'That is totally fine.' So my good self decided to take a nap with my Stitch doll. Riker told me he was going to watch TV and then go to Rocky and Kyara's hotel room. 

I woke up around 1:30 P.M. because my phone was blowing up like seriously people some people need their beauty sleep.

I went over to Maria's room to see if she wanted to hang. Well Ross opened the door and said that Maria was asleep. 

So I texted Courtney to see if she wanted to hang out for awhile and she texted yes. Since Ryland left her and went to Rocky's and Kyara's hotel room.

So I went To Courtney and Ryland's hotel room and just watched some TV. Rydel came 5 minutes after I came over. 

Rydel brought over some board games so we just played UNO and some other games. Ratliff texted us that he is refreshed and he is ready to go to Disneyland.

We all replied OK expect for Kyara and Maria. Ross said that she is taking a shower and getting ready. 

Rocky said that Kyara is still sleeping but he is going to do the thing that only Rydel, Savannah, Courtney, Rocky, and I do. 

Rocky said that Kyara is up and now being sassy. Okay everybody stay back 10 feet Mrs. Sass is coming and I don't think the boys are ready to see her extra sassy.

Kyara replied that she is ready to go to Disneyland. Yea I am so ready to go the best place on earth where dreams come true.

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