Chapter 4

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*Maria's POV*

Now we met Ryland.  Ryland was so nice and tall as fuck and when I mean tall as fuck I like really mean it. Ryland ask Kyara and I how old we are so Kyara said to Ryland, "I am 19 years old and I was born on January 24th, 1997." and then I said to Ryland I'm 18 years old so I was born on May 26th, 1997." (A/N Maria is actually a month younger than Ryland and I am actually 3 months older than Ryland. That is a true fact yo.) That's when Kyara and I could hear damn from no other than Ryland Michael Lynch that boy tho.

"I know the reason why Ross and Rocky kissed both of you." Ryland said I literally said to him, "Tell us man tell us." Then Ryland said to Kyara and I, "They reason Ross and Rocky kissed you both is because apparently they have crushes on you two ever since they saw you two in the line waiting for them and the rest of the band." WHAT THE FUCK did Ryland tell us the truth of why Rocky and Ross kissed us on the fucking lips from earlier?!? After that crazy stuff Kyara and I finally took our photos with Ryland and he actually followed us on twitter right after we took photos from him. 

Kyara and I actually freaked out later about what Ryland told me and Kyara why Ross and Rocky kissed us. Later Rydel randomly came to Ryland's meet and greet which was so random by the way. The fans didn't scream they just kind of oh whats the words oh I remember they kind of freak out. "Maria Kyara come with me Rocky and Ross are being weirder than their usual selves please come with me if you can tell I am kind of freaking out." Rydel said to Kyara and I. 

So Kyara and I decided to leave the meet and greet and followed Rydel backstage. When Kyara Rydel and I arrived backstage were running around and then jumping on the couch which I hope to god Ross does not break I repeat I hope to god Ross does not break the fucking couch. Ross and Rocky saw Kyara and I do wanna know what they did they jumped off the couch and hugged us them boys tho. So Rocky and Ross would not I REPEAT not would not let go of us so Ellington and Riker had to literally pry Ross and Rocky off of Kyara and I. Damn Rocky and Ross are clingy, but hey they are adorable as fuck y'all.

Hey guys its me I hope you enjoy this book so far but I hope you enjoy this chapter that's whats important right?!? I hope you have a wonderful day xoxo

R5 Fan Fiction|Wattys 2017Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon