Chapter 31

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*Kyara's POV*

it's been 26 hours since Maria, Skyler, and I have been puking our fucking guts out. Rydel figured out why Skyler and Maria have been puking out our guts out.

The reason why for they have been puking is because of the sauce that was on the pizza. I think their was something bad in it or something. Like who the fuck knows people who the fuck knows.

The reason I got sick was because of stress and beating up Ryland. Anyways our wonderful boyfriends have been taking good care of us which we thank them.

They were super sweet of taking care of us, but however we had to keep our distance from them. We did however feel better after R5 and Ryland ate dinner which is a fucking relief.

It's the next day and today Rocky and I are going on a date. The last time Rocky and I went on a date was on St. Patrick's day.

I know that Maria and Ross are going on a date, but I am not sure about Rkyler and Rydellington. All I know is that I heard that Rocky is taking me somewhere romantic tonight.

To be honest I love spending time with my Tarzan as I like to call him. Rocky however calls me Snow White which kind of kills me inside every time he calls me that.

The first place Rocky and I went to was Starbuck's. I wanted to order and pay, but Rocky beat me to it.

He ordered me a grande jiva chip which is my favorite coffee of all time. Next Rocky drove us to a bowling alley and TBH I suck at bowling.

We played at least three games because why the hell not, also Rocky may or may not convince me to play three games. I just want my man to happy like he wants me to be happy which makes me smile.

During the last frame I saw Ross and Maria sat by us and put on their shoes. They ask Rocky and I who won. I just pointed at Tarzan (Rocky) with a sad face and lets just say that they laughed.

We said bye to them and tell them that we had one last location which IDK where because Rocky told me it was a surprise. He told me that I will love this because it will be romantic.

So we got  to the location and it was a place where Rocky and I can look at the sunset. I was getting cold and lets just say he put his coat around me and lets just say I kissed him.

After we watched the sunset we drove home after we kissed at the location. It was the perfect way to end our date night.

When we arrived home I saw Ryland, Riker, and Skyler were making damn kissy faces at us. Lets just we ignored them and Rocky and I went to his room.

Right as Rocky and I shut the door I heard Ryland saying to us, "DONT HAVE TO MUCH FUN IN THERE." I just went back out in the living room and slapped him right in the face. I feel like Hermione when she punched Draco in the face.

Rocky and I may be love struck with each other, but not in that way people. I changed into Rocky's shirt and some sweats and cuddled with each other.

Rocky and I were just looking at our pictures that we have been taken  since we have been dating. My favorite picture of us is us kissing in front of Cinderella's castle when we were at Disneyland.

Rocky's favorite picture of us tonight when we were kissing when we watched the sunset. After looking at our pictures we said our 'I love you's' and went to sleep.

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