Chapter 5

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*Kyara's POV*

So I was sitting on the couch  between Riker and Rocky while Ross and Maria were sitting on a different couch.  I was chilling and then all of a sudden Rocky said to me, "So tell me about yourself Kyara." and that's when I started talking to my new celebrity crush sorry Riker but your now my 2nd favorite just don't ask Riker just don't ask.

 "Well what would like know about me?" I said to Rocky, "Anything really." Rocky said back to me. So I said to him, "Well I was born on January 24th, 1997 in this awesome place called Worcester, Massachusetts. I moved to Iowa in 1999 when I was 2 so I was kind of bum when we left the east coast although I didn't know what was actually happening. I have 2 brothers one is 26 and the other one is 17 and i have a 7 month old sister. I am a high school graduate go class of 2015 and Go J-Hawks." Maria and I laughed and gave each other a high five.

Anyways I continued to Rocky, "I love hockey and football like literally their my favorite sports. My favorite football team is New England Patriots and my favorite hockey team is the Boston Bruins. I had autism like all my life and lastly I was bullied all three years of middle school and part of my freshman year." I started crying Rocky and Riker gave me a hug I felt so better when they both hugged me. 

*Maria's POV*

While Rocky and Kyara I was talking to Ross. Ross said to me, "So tell me about yourself." then I said to him, "Well I was born and raised in Cedar Rapids, Iowa I met Kyara when we were 6 years old now she I are literally sisters because we have been friends over 10 years 13 years to be exact. I dont mind watching hockey at all. I have 2 brothers and one sister who is actually here right now, but she and my mom are at Ryland's meet and greet. Finally I too is a high school graduate go J-Hawks and Class of 2015 rocks." Ross just laughed and gave me a hug good thing he's adorable. 

*Kyara's POV*

As I stopped crying I just realize that I look like a freaking raccoon I literally feel bad now because 1) I look like raccoon in front of the band and 2) I have makeup all over Rocky's and Riker's shirts. Rydel suggested that she can redo my makeup and I totally agreed with Rydel. 30 minutes later i came back and the boys of R5 literally I mean literally could not recognize me at all. What Rydel did was she did my makeup like she promise and then curled my hair. Rocky was still couldn't recognize me so Riker and Ross whispered to Rocky, "Dude just ask her out already." and he did.

'The way Rocky ask me to be his girlfriend was he gave me a rose and said to me, "Kyara will you be my girlfriend?" I said yes to him I couldn't say no how the way he ask me. Rocky and I kissed then all of a sudden I could hear Ross say something to Maria, "Maria will you please be my Ally Dawson to my Austin Moon?" (A/N yes I did put an Austin and Ally reference in this chapter.) She of course said yes and then kissed.

All of a sudden Maria and I looked on Instagram somebody took pictures of Rocky & I kissing and Ross & Maria. We were all confused who would take a photo of us then all of a sudden we saw a smiley Ellington Lee Ratliff. That boy why would he do that?!? Maria and I will make sure Rydel will do something to Ratliff hopefully an embarrassing photo. 

Well what do you think?!? let me know in the comments or if you vote. Have a wonderful day xoxo

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