Chapter 1: The First Punch

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Braxton POV

It was a slow day at the cafe. Not many people had came in, which was odd for a Friday afternoon. I glanced up at the large clock in the back of the bar. 4:48 it read. Great, I thought to myself. Only twelve more minutes.

I decided to start tyding up the bar, so I woudln't have to do it after my shift ends. I heard the bell on the top of the door jingle, surprised a customer was actually coming in. I quickly finished wiping up the counter and then I walked over to the till. 

The customer stood there, obviously not in a huge rush to get his order. I couldn't see his face, because he was leaning forward digging around in his wallet. "What can I uh, get for you?" I cocked my head to the side, my long dark ponytail brushing against my shoulders. I choked on my words a little bit.

"Just a black coffee, please," he said, not looking up from his wallet. He was still rummaging around, looking for something.

All of the sudden I recognized the Key Street snapback on the top of his head, the brim shading his face. I looked down at his hands, and saw the words "Star Wars" tattooed across his knuckles. He looked up at me and I saw that god awful beautifully crooked smile. 


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