Chapter 24: Tear This Place Apart

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Two weeks go by. The boys almost never leave the house. I can tell they're afraid to leave me alone. The first week, I really couldn't walk by myself. So if I needed help, whoever was nearby would run over to me and hold me like I was a glass doll. Like if they weren't gentle enough I would shatter in their hands. And maybe they were right.

"More coffee?"Vic asked, picking up my empty mug.
"Please," I said, settling back into the couch. I was about to reach for our breakfast plates but I knew Vic would fight me on it.
I had been eating meals again. Not big ones, just enough to get the guys off my back. I was still a little sore, but getting around was easier.
Vic and I had spent the morning sitting on the couch, eating breakfast, drinking coffee and making small talk. The rest of the boys seemed to be sleeping in for the first time in weeks. It felt nice not to be watched like a hawk. It felt like they were doctors doing rounds on me every couple of hours since the incident.
A sleepy looking Tony came down the stairs. "Morning," he said as he yawned.
"Morning," I replied as I eased myself off of the couch. "Coffee?"
Tony eyes widened slightly at me. "Sit down, I got it."
I rolled my eyes as I sat back in the couch. Vic started to clear the plates and walked out of the living room. Between the clattering of dishes going in the dishwasher and the coffee pot whirring, I heard him and Tony whispering,
but I couldn't make out what they were saying.
After 10 minutes, Tony finally emerged. He sauntered towards me and set his Star Wars mug down on the coffee table, taking a seat beside me. "How are you feeling today, B?" he questioned, leaning into the couch to face me.
"I feel good, honestly," I breathed. "Not in as much pain, I actually feel a lot better."
He smiled softly and sat in a thought for a minute. "Do you want to get out of the house later? Just you and me?" His eyes had the twinkle in them that I hadn't seen in a while.
I thought about it for a moment. I really did want to leave the house, but part of me was scared I wasn't safe. On the other hand, I couldn't hide out here forever. It clearly wasn't that safe either. "I would love to."

Tony POV

That afternoon, I drove Braxton out to the neighborhood we grew up in. Nether of our families still lived there, but it was still fun to go down memory lane. Our feet - both clad in Vans- shuffled down the sidewalk as we passed the park we spent our whole childhood in. I gently grabbed her hand and led her to an old wooden picnic table. I watched her eyes behind her sunglasses scan our surroundings.
"We used to spend a lot of time here, Turtle," she chuckled lightly. "I don't think there was a time I passed this park when I was walking home that you weren't here waiting for me."
She was right. I used to walk her to her dance studio when we were kids, and I'd wait in the park and walk her home when she was done. Even before I knew how her dad was to her, I had always felt the need to protect her. And I felt that now more than ever.
"Some days I wish I could go back to when we were kids," I started. My hand was on her knee now. "I wish we never grew apart. I wish I never left you like that."
Braxton sighed and leaned into me. "Can't go back, Tone. Let's just move forward."
We gave each other a soft smile.
Then, I got nervous. I had to tell her something I'd been avoiding. "I have to tell you something, B. Something I have been meaning to tell you since the party."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2023 ⏰

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