Chapter Nine: Nightwing's story (revised)

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Astrid POV

" Hey Nightwing is there anything else that I should know about."

" Yeah​ can we send Storm to get some food so we can eat well I tell you. " ~ Nightwing

I went over to Stormfly and woke her.

" Hey Storm could you go get some food Nightwing was up all night making sure Hiccup didn't find me. "

" Sure Astrid. " -Storm

Stormfly flew off through the cave entrance that wouldn't get her wet.

" Alright Nightwing I sent her away to get food."

" Well, I'm part Skrill. As you know my venom can finish another dragons poison or venom and they will be able to turn into a dragon. However I'm only able to do that if you were born a hybrid, which are rare on Berk cause of Stoick."~ Nightwing

" What did he do!!! "

" Well, after Valka got taken away by Cloudjumpper he had everyone get blood drawn to see who was a hybrid and who wasn't. "~ Nightwing

" What did he do to the hybrids ?"

" Stoick had the hybrids killed. I don't think you need to worry about the law he removed the law when Hiccup trained Toothless."~ Nightwing

" How do you know this Nightwing."

" I was around when he removed it since he was the only person who made that law it was easy for him to remove."~ Nightwing

" Wait you said your venom only works on hybrids. Does this mean that I'm not from Berk?"

" Not necessarily you could be from Berk but you were adopted by a non-hybrid family, but you could be from a different island who sent you away when you were younger to protect you. "~ Nightwing

" Ok I think as soon as Stormfly gets back and eat we should go back to Hiccup."

" Ok if you want I will tell you about being a hybrid."~ Nightwing

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