When you meet!

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Sorry for just explaining what's happening at the beginning of the story, but now it's time for the story so let's move on!

-Skullgirl99 XD



You were walking down the street heading home, listening to your (F/S) on your iPhone. Since you were blasting your music really loud you didn't hear the man coming up behind you. You keep walking then a hand covers your mouth. With his other arm he grabs your waist so you can't run away "Shhhh..." The man says "If you're a good little girl this won't take long or hurt so much." Your eyes widen realizing what this man is going to do to you and your self defense mode comes in. You bite down hard on the man's hand, so hard you can taste his blood dripping into your mouth, this makes him yell and loosen his grip on you. You take that chance and twist out of his grip and kick him in the balls. He falls to the ground groaning and then you run for your life.

You run really, really fast down the street, but you now hear the footsteps of the huge man chasing after you. You look around and spot a forest known as "The slender forest". You have heard stories about it, but you don't have time to think. You run into the forest for dear life. You mix in with the trees trying to get the guy off of your trail. When you think you're far enough you stop. You turn around and don't see anywhere behind you and don't hear any footsteps. So you must have lost him. But when you turn around you see the man standing there. He smirks and you scream. He pins you to a tree and you start freaking out. He gets close to your face and he whispers "Now you did this to yourself, I guess you won't be going home anytime soon."

He forces his lips on to yours as you cry and scream, trying to force him off you but he's too strong. You then bite his lip. He shrieks and pulls away. He wipes his mouth, and screams "You bitch!" He slaps you causing you to fall to the ground. He kicks you so you stay down and you groan lying there. You can feel yourself struggle for breath from the kick as the tears continue to fall, stinging your eyes. You can hear his belt clinking meaning he's taking it off. You close your eyes, tears falling down your face. "Help...me..." you whisper out quietly.

Then you hear the man scream. It was a horrible piercing scream. After a few seconds the screaming stops and it becomes silent. You open your eyes and see the man, lying on the ground, dead. You move away from the man, only to feel something hit your back. Suddenly a static sound surrounds you and your vision gets blurry, but it slowly goes away. You then look up. Your (E/C) orbs meet nothing. He has no eyes, nose or mouth. It's just a while slab. He towers over you quite high. You feel like you want to scream but you feel something comforting at the same time. Finally the faceless man somehow speaks "Are you alright my child?" You nod in shock. You heard of the legend of the Slenderman in the woods but you didn't think that was actually true. "I'm (Y-Y/N)." You stammer out.

You don't know why you told the faceless man your name but for some reason it seemed right. He smiles, well, you think he's smiling, "I am glad you are alright my child, I was shocked to see such a pig try to hurt such a beautiful person."

You blush at his comment. You try to stand up but only find yourself come down again. You feel really faint. "You mustn't push yourself (Y/N) Let me take you home."

You nod tired and he picks you up with his long arms. You snuggle into his chest and slowly everything becomes black

(Sorry this was so long and a little wrong wanted to make it good)

Jeff The Killer

You were at home watching YouTube videos. You notice that it's almost midnight and decide to head to bed. You put on some pyjamas and tie your (H/L), (H/C) hair into a messy bun. You brush your teeth then head to your bed. You lie there staring at the ceiling for a little bit, not able to fall asleep. You start to feel uneasy and you go into your nightstand, grabbing your pocket knife you have in case of emergencies. You slide the hand with the knife under your pillow and try to fall asleep again. You then hear a thud. You look around the room and see on one is here. Thinking it was just your imagination you lie back down. Then you hear your window creak open 'Oh my god is someone trying to break into my room?' You think to yourself. You pretend to be asleep as your hear the feet of the person hit the floor. They shut the window and you hear them walk over to your bed. You then here something clink in his hand. "A weapon?" You think. You can sense him raise the probably sharp object. You grip your knife tighter ready to swing.

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