Chapter 22~ Can Crowley come stay with us?

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A week later

Castiel was still in there bedroom sleeping like a little kitten, so Dean decided to go into the main room and look for a job to keep him busy. Sam walked into the same room and looked at Dean until he looked back "What's up Sammy?" Dean questioned, Sam smiled and said "I was just thinking we haven't gone out in a while with the wedding an all" Dean looked away and nodded before looking back at Sam saying "Okay, You want to go out then?" Sam smiled and said "Yeah, lets go to the Bar down the street" as he picked up his coat. Dean laughed and said "Walking distance, I like how you think" causing Sammy to Laugh. Dean closed down his laptop and brought out a little piece of card and wrote on it "Hey Angel, me and Sammy are going out drinking so I will see you later, Love You, Dean" and followed Sammy out the bunker.

Dean and Sam had been drinking at a quite bar down the street for almost half an hour talking about old missions but Dean suddenly came to the conclusion "You know what Sammy?" Sam looked at him and said "What" followed by a small laugh, Dean smiled and said "We need to get you a girlfriend" causing Sam to chock on his beer making Dean laugh harder. They continued to talk and drink for another good 1 hour before deciding to leave the bar and head back home.

Once they reached the house Sam put his coat down on the table and tapped his hands on it before noticing a new note. He picked it up to read "Hey, I got your note baby and i love you too, i'm heading out for a bit but should be back in less than an hour, see you later" Sam laughed at the note a bit but shoot it back down on the table when he heard Deans footsteps enter the room. Sammy spoke up "I think Castiel left you a note" Dean nodded his thanks, looked at the note and smiled before placing in gently in his pocket. Sammy took this as his chance seeing how happy he was "Dean, the was a reason I wanted to go out because I had something to ask" Dean looked to Sam straight on and joked "What you waiting for, ask away". Sam rubbed his hands together and asked " Crowley has been a bit out of it lately and hasn't been in a good place lately so I was wondering if ... Can Crowley come stay with us for a bit? just until he gets back on his feat!" Sam watched Deans reaction. He waited. Then Dean broke " Your not joking! He's the king of hell for God sake Sammy!" Sammy didn't know where the next part came from because it wasn't like him, Sammy spoke "Yeah and Castiel is an Angel of the lord and that doesn't bother you!" Sam was shocked at himself for saying that and waited for Deans reaction. Dean rubbed his face and yelled "Sammy... Don't you dare bring Castiel into this!" and once again Sam spoke out of line "What just because hes a demon makes him not alright? If Castiel was a Demon i bet your mind would be different", Dean spoke almost on top of him "Sam Shut up" and Sam fired back "No I wont shut up, Crowley is our friend, he came to your wedding and he never says no to us. If anyone is the bad guy in this it is you" Dean clenched his fist and spoke as calm as he could "Sam" but Sam kept on going "You know what, you don't deserve Castiel" and at that point he knew he had gone to far. Dean punched Sammy in face in almost a chain reaction because he knew deep down what Sammy was saying was true.

Castiel opened the door and flew to Sams side "What's going on here" Dean saw Castiels worried face and the blood pouring out of Sams nose, He headed to the kitchen and started to wash his hands

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Castiel opened the door and flew to Sams side "What's going on here" Dean saw Castiels worried face and the blood pouring out of Sams nose, He headed to the kitchen and started to wash his hands. Castiel took Sam to the bathroom and offered to help clean him up but got insisted to go see Dean. Castiel walks back in the room and says "Dean whats going on here" Dean spoke deeper than normal and said "Castiel, just stay out of it" Castiel spoke up "No I wont just stay out of it, you just punched Sam Dean, You need to talk to me". Dean could feel his blood boil but instead of arguing with Castiel he punched the mirror just above the sink and stormed out the room, At the same time Sam ran in to see the smashed glass. Sam shouted "Dean come back here" Castiel looked at him and said one word "Don't" and walked into the kitchen, grabbed two beers and flew after him. Sam decided to run after them but stood just out of sight of them and listened in.

When Castiel appeared outside he didn't expect to see Dean leaning against the bunker, Sat on the floor crying. Castiel sat down next to him, placing the two beers on the floor and placed his right hand on Deans knee. Dean fell straight onto Castiels shoulder and spoke quietly "I'm sorry Cas" Castiel rubbed his leg and soothed "Dean, Baby, you've got nothing to be sorry for, not to me anyways. Just talk to me" Dean let out a deep breathe and said in a shaky voice"Sam-my asked for Crow-ley to stay with us and I broke but I don't know why, hes a go-od friend and I kind of trust him but I snapped and we argues" Sam listened in carefully, Castiel continued to sooth him and said "I understand living with Crowley could be hard but ... why did you punch Sam Baby?" Dean took another deep breathe and rubbed his eyes causing Castiel to comfort him more and said "Come on Dean, you can tell me, I wont get mad I promise" Dean nodded and after taking another deep breathe he said "Just before I punched him he said that I didn't deserve you and it got me mad because ... I thought that too and I Don't understand how you could love someone like me. When i heard Sam say it, I knew it was true because if someone i trust so much and depend on can notice it then how is it not true" and then he broke into tears again. Sam could feel himself starting to feel bad and regret what he said, he didn't mean it, So he moved back inside the bunker hoping that he could make it up to them. Castiel Kissed the side of Deans head and said "Dean, Baby listen to me. Sam didn't mean what he said, he was angry. I love you and that's all you need to remember, You deserve me as much as i deserve you. Baby I love you" Dean stoked the outside of Castiels thigh and said "I love you too angel". Castiel went to stand up but was caught by Dean and drawn into a kiss, It was a simple and soft kiss but it was what Dean needed to believe that Castiel is all he needed. Castiel broke away and stood up taking Deans hand and said "Lets go inside" Dean nodded and took a swish of his beer as he followed his husband into the house.

Dean and Castiel walked towards their room when Sammy shouted "Dean, I'm sorry I didn't mean it" Dean smiled and held Castiels hand tighter and said "Its okay Sammy, I'm sorry too. Crowley can move in" and walked up to Sam, giving him an half hug before leaving to his room again.

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