Chapter 16 ~ The next day

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Dean was as happy as the summer sun, he couldn't help smiling. He walked from the kitchen in his tight navy blue boxers towards the living space with two beers in his hands. In the room Castiel sat patiently in his long red bottoms, bare chested and played with his curly fringe. Dean walked over to his fiancee and handed him a beer before placing himself upon Castiels lap. Castiel just laughed " You do know this is a couch and not a single seat" Dean smiled at the comment before pressing closer to Castiel and said" Careful angel, it almost sounds like your complaining" as Castiel placed his hand firmly against Deans soft cheek stating "I'm not complaining, i'm just happy". Dean went a light shade of red when he quickly said "I can tell" pushing his own lips against Castiels. Dean slowly started to move his tongue into play, claiming his fiancees mouth like he always does, claiming that love he admired so much, Castiel hummed into the kiss and wrapped his arm around Deans neck before pulling away to say "I love you Dean", making Dean smile with glee saying "I love you too angel" and kissed him again.

Sam had just woke up since it was only 9AM, Sam was already dressed for the day, his long waved hair brushed into the perfect sea form it gave, eyes gleaming with joy for the day ahead. He walked into the living room to be surprised by his roommates being awake at this time, he looked for a good 2 seconds before sitting down on one of the single chairs saying "Really? this early?" Sams crocked voice scared Dean causing him to fly from Castiels lap, looking into Sams eyes. "Sammy! why did you have to sneak in like that" Dean almost shouted, Sam and Castiel laughed a bit as Sam said "Sorry but you do know you have a room right?" Dean looked at him and said almost coldly "You think your clever don't you? you know you have a room too, why did you even come in here; you hardly do"Sam looked at Castiel and then looked around the room "Well i was looking for.... ha here it is, today newspaper" and then proceeded to get off his chair and head out the room.

Dean spun back round to Castiel and took a deep breathe before sitting next to him. Castiel spoke "You shouldn't be so harsh on him Dean" Dean looked at his love with worried eyes to be stared back with serious ones, Dean leaned into his side and said "He shouldn't be so god damn disruptive" causing Castiel to laugh. They sat their in silence, just pressed into each other till Castiel spoke "So, I guess we have a wedding to plan" Dean suddenly got a thrill flush down his body as he smiled and said "Yes, Yes we do" Castiel gave Dean a little kiss on the lips before saying "You don't have to agree but, I was thinking we could have a little wedding with the people closest to us" Dean smiled as he pushed Castiel down so he was on top of him and said "I think that is a great idea" before he proceed to place kisses from Castiels mouth : to his chin, then his neck, to his collarbone and then across his chest to his nipple, hands rested against Castiel body, pressing softly into his waist. Castiel lifted his left hand, trailing it down Deans body. Almost searching for the brim of his boxers before sliding his hand under it, stroking his inner thigh causing Dean to moan a little. The angel took his right hand and grasped it onto Deans chin, moving his head to his again and kissed his lips softly. Castiel removed his hand from Deans boxers and went to stand up, not stopping their passionate kiss. When Castiel did pull away they were both stood up, Castiel grabbed Deans soft hand and leaded him back to there room.

When they both got into their room and locked the door behind them, Castiel turned around to look Dean in the eyes, Dean suddenly jumped forward kissing Castiel passionately again, pushing him backwards against the wall, Castiel wrapped his arms around Deans neck, humming into the kiss enjoying every moment. Once again Castiels hands began to search around Deans body, placing one hand on Deans ares and the other on his back, pressing him into the kiss even more if that was possible. Deans right hand in one swoop managed to strip Castiel of his red bottoms making both men stand their in there boxers, holding each other, loving each other. Deans left hand snaked up the boxers, rubbing against his thighs before pulling the boxers down more. Castiel was burning red, Dean rubbed his hand against Castiels penis, rubbing up and down, pressing lightly into it. Castiels moans were playing through the room. Castiel suddenly flipped them around before lowing himself down Dean. Castiel licked up the side of his penis before placing his mouth on it, sucking on it, up and down, almost covering the whole of if. The blowjob was driving Dean mad, the feeling and passion of Castiel on his dick was too much, he was almost in tears from the pleasure. Castiel was stroking his own dick while working on Deans, leaving his dick to look up to his love, Dean leaned down and kissed him. "I love you so much Castiel" Dean stated and was happy when Castiel said "I love you too ... So much" followed by a couple of short kisses. Castiel pulled Dean completely out of his boxers and pulled the rest of his own off before tackling Dean down to the bed. Dean smiled and rolled over, placing himself on top, Castiel felt Deans hand grip on his butt holding him up a bit, Dean slowly moved his body against Castiels, placing his own penis into his angel while he counting to stroke Castiels. Slowly he started to thrust into Castiel and used his hands on Castiels hips to guide his body's actions. After a while and a lot of moaning, Dean came inside of Castiel causing Castiel to cum. Both broke away from each other panting and smiling. The happy couple just laid their happy and together.

Dean got up from the bed and got changed while Castiel did the same, Dean was ready first and gave Castiel a quick sweet kiss before leaving the room to be welcomed by Sam leaning against the wall with a beer, his newspaper and a grin. Dean walked over and said "Shut up" Sam laughed and said "What I didn't say anything" Dean smirked and replied with "You didn't have to, you grin said everything" They both began to laugh when a sudden bang came from Deans bedroom, Dean ran over straight away without a single hesitation and shouted "Castiel you okay?" but was met with silence, Dean searched the room and the bathroom but Castiel was no were to be found, The angel wasn't even picking up his phone. Dean stormed back into the main room were Sam stood scared to see Dean so angry. Dean suddenly said "He's gone" as he punched the flower pot causing it to smash against the floor as he ran out the house.   

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